Meaning of Buzz (What is it, Concept and Definition)

Buzz means buzz, buzz, rumble. It's a word in the English language. It also means a murmur, a whisper.

Buzz is usually a lively conversation, or background noise. The term is widely used in marketing, that is, an idea arises and spreads differently through the communicators, infecting and encouraging people, came at the right time, for the right people in the place right.

There are also buzz marketing campaigns, which identify changing trends and act first that vacuums are created, having a competitive advantage in the market for having anticipated the others. Buzz marketing is a way of doing marketing, it's a strategy that encourages individuals to get a message across. marketing to others, creating potential for the growth of the company or the product, both in the exposure and in the influence of the message.

Buzz or Buzz was a comic book that emerged in England in the 1970s. It was also a television series.

Buzz also appears, in information technology, in computing, as a test series of video games, software, and in relationship communities where the user posts some news about his interest.

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