Desktop Meaning (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

desktop is a word in the English language that designates the main computer environment. Literally, the term has the meaning of “on the table”.

It was often used to designate a desktop computer as opposed to the laptop which is the portable computer. Laptop has the meaning of “on your lap”. In English, desktop is also an adjective for something that has a size that allows it to be placed on a table or desk.

In the field of computing, the desktop is also known as workspace, as it allows the user to have easy access to all the elements that are part of the operating system (folders, files, shortcuts, programs, etc.). It is an analogy to the physical work environment, where all the resources needed to perform the tasks are organized.

A computer's desktop can be customized in appearance, revealing the user's style and preferences. Users often leave shortcuts to the most used programs on the desktop. It is also possible to place a background image.

Desktop publishing

Desktop publishing means desktop publishing, pagination, or electronic layout. It is the act of creating and editing graphic elements through the computer, using specific programs that allow the visualization of the document on the monitor as it will be printed.

Documents can be brochures, catalogs, newspapers, magazines, books or a simple text document. The most popular editing programs are: Photoshop, InDesign or Illustrator, from the Adobe company, or simple text editors like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer.

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