Upgrade means "update" or "improvement", normally used for update an old version to a newer one of a particular product.
The term upgrade is widely used in the area of information technology and electronic equipment, referring to the exchange of a hardware, a software or a firmware for a better or newer version, improving the functionality of the equipment.
Upgrade it is also a term used for the purchase of new equipment, especially when involving new technologies. For example: buying a new notebook, exchanging a car for a current model, replacing a smartphone old by one that is release and so on.
Within the area of computing, there are still several genres and subgenres of upgrade which are used in accordance with their intended purpose.
You softwares, for example, may suffer a upgrade to implement new functionality, performance updates or to fix a security or system flaw.
There are some tools used for some types of upgrade in software, such as Windows Update, RPM, APT, among others.
it is then an update by exchange or by addition, and it is a concept that should only be used in the IT area, even though it is popularly used in other aspects.Learn more about the meaning of software.