Meaning of Tacitus (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Tacit is an adjective in the Portuguese language, it means something that is implied or implied, being unnecessary explanations or mentions about it.

A tacit behavior is one that seeks to hide something, be it a secret or a situation that is not desirable to be exposed.

Etymologically, the term "tacit" originated from the Latin tacitus, which means "not expressed in words" or "silent". In this sense, any action, expression or characteristic that is not shown or explained, but which can be perceived in an implicit way, can be considered tacit.

Among the most common synonyms for tacit, stand out: silent, implicit, hidden, secret, silent, understood and tranquil.

Tacitus (Públio Cornelius Tacitus) was still the name of one of the greatest historians of antiquity, who lived between 55 and 120 d. C, in Ancient Rome.

tacit knowledge

The so-called "tacit knowledge" is a form of particular, subjective and unique knowledge of each individual, developed throughout life, through experiences acquired by the person.

For psychologists and philosophers, tacit knowledge is a very interesting object of study, as it is a model of learning difficult or impossible to transmit to other people, at least not through didactic methods traditional ones.

Tacit knowledge is what can only be transmitted or learned through experiences and daily contact. Riding a bicycle, for example, can be considered a tacit knowledge, as it only requires skill to learn, with no need for written or oral instructions.

Learn more about the meaning of tacit knowledge.

tacit and explicit

Explicit it is something obvious, declared, explained and clearly presented, with no possibility of ambiguity. Anything that is explicit can be considered the opposite of the tacit concept.

One explicit knowledge, for example, can be conveyed through a formatted explanation, with graphics, words, images and in an objective way. Tacit knowledge, on the other hand, is subjective, difficult to assimilate, as it is present in a particular way in each individual, according to their experience.

Tacit and explicit knowledge can work in a complementary way.

tacit and express

The word tacit can still be used to categorize the model of an employment contract, for example.

One tacit employment contract is one that is not physical, that is, there is no written and registered contract, being agreed verbally between the contracting party and the contracted party.

already the express employment contract it is when both parties (contractor and contractor) sign a written and registered document, specifying all the functions, obligations and rights related to the work to be performed. In this case, the contracting party signs the Contractor's Work and Social Security Card.

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