Meaning of Torpor (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Torpor is a masculine noun with Latin origin torpor which represents a altered state of consciousness which can mean numbness, laziness, easy or indolence.

Described as an alteration of consciousness, torpor is often defined as a non-stressed lethargy and is different from coma, although it is sometimes seen as a mild coma. Consciousness can undergo several changes that can range from drowsiness, drowsiness and in extreme cases, brain death. Thus, torpor is one of the phases of clouding of conscience.

In some cases and figuratively, the word torpor can be synonymous with apathy, indifference or moral inertia.

Within the scope of medicine, torpor is a state of decreased sensitivity or movement in some part of the body, characterized by an inability to respond to certain stimuli or normal movements.

torpor in animals

Torpor is also a term in the context of zoology. In this case, torpor is a phenomenon through which animals save energy to face adverse conditions such as low temperatures, lack of food or drought. Bats and some species of birds go into torpor for short periods of the day when their metabolism is significantly slower.

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