21st June – International Handshake Day

O handshake it is one of the oldest greetings in human history. The first record of its appearance is found in Egyptian hieroglyphics. The peoples of Ancient Egypt believed that Pharaoh acquired his power when the deities reached out to him.

At a time when virtually every man carried a weapon, the handshake was a sign of peace. They held out their hands to show they weren't armed, so this greeting was born as a typically male habit.

Currently, the handshake it is considered a gesture of greeting or greeting used as an expression of a feeling of friendship, affinity and trust between people. It can also be used to consolidate a formal or informal agreement.

On June 21, the International Handshake Day, reminding people of how this gesture is relevant to social relationships. A handshake can say a lot about a person. So reach out, shake hands!
By Jessyca Moreira Borba
Graduated in Pedagogy
Brazil School Collaborator

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/21-junhodia-internacional-aperto-mao.htm

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