Have you ever written any essay in which the broker's comment was: Lack of clarity of ideas, confusing text, lack of cohesion, confusing paragraph?
It's very bad when we read something and we don't understand exactly what that writer meant. The arguments are intertwined, a new idea appears at every comma and in the same period, the paragraph seems to have no end!
An essay is clear when the content is transmitted to the interlocutor so that he understands the message. Therefore, more concise writings, that is, objective ones, tend to have more clarity.
If you have difficulty structuring your thoughts well, use a draft. Read about the subject and search your memory for the knowledge you already have about it. So think about what you're going to write and how you're going to do it. To do this, delimit the general theme into a specific one, for example: General theme: Amazon, Specific theme: Amazon Manifesto for ever.
When you narrow down the topic, you also narrow down what you're going to write. Not that the text should be small, but objective, in order for it to be fully developed. The writer must also pay attention to the minimum number of 15 lines and maximum of 30 or 35 (it will depend on the selection process).
The draft is very important, as errors can be corrected in it before being transferred to the final essay sheet. As for clarity, try to comply with the following aspects:
The) Keep sentences short, as long periods are often confusing.
B) Don't try to appear more cultured by using words you don't know, as you run the risk of getting the meaning wrong. So use simple and precise words.
ç) Beware of ambiguity, which is when a prayer can have more than one meaning: I took Hannah's keys. (Did I take the keys that were with Ana or the keys that belonged to Ana?)
d) Cohesion: The parts must be interconnected, that is, related. Do not start talking about one thing and move on to another, always finish the initial idea without delay. Sentences with too many commas indicate a lack of cohesion. Another issue is not to try to pass ideas according to what appears in your mind, because the mental flow is intense. When writing, concentrate and always read every paragraph you just wrote to make sure it's clear!
By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
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Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/a-clareza-um-texto.htm