Difference between repair and repair

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repair is the same as repair or fix something, while concert it is synonymous with a musical session, formed by the harmonious union of several sounds.

As stated, the meaning of repair refers to the act of repairing, that is, of repair, patch, fix, fix and restore something or something that was broken, for example.

Examples: "My cell phone repair was cheap" or "I asked my father to fix my guitar".

The term repair may still be related to the act of putting in order or better organize something that was messed up.

Example: "Today I cleaned the house and fixed the mess".

Fix can also refer to return a situation to its initial state or earlier.

Example: "After the conversation they finally fixed the misunderstanding."

Conversely, concerto (with the letter “c”) is commonly used for indicate a music session, acting as a synonym for orchestra, spectacle or musical show.

Example: “The tickets for the summer concerts are now on sale”.

Few people know, but the noun concert is derived from the verb to concert, which is little used in the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil today. In this case, this word takes on the meaning of “sounding harmoniously” or “combining neatly”, in addition to “harmonizing” and “reconciling”.

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Example: "After much debate they agreed to postpone the trip to next year."

As seen, both words – repair and concert – exist in the Portuguese language and are correct, but have different meanings and must be used according to the corresponding context.

word origin

The words originate from the Latin term fix, which means to join, connect or reunite.

There is another theory that can also explain the origin of these words. They may have been transformed from Latin concertatum, which originally took on the meaning of competing.

Classification in Portuguese language

According to the grammar of the Portuguese language, repair and concert are classified as words homophones.

Homophone words have the same pronunciation/sound (homo means equal and phone means sound). However, the words are spelled differently and have different meanings.


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