Meaning of Opportunity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

opportunity means a favorable occasion, opportunity, convenience, represents the timely quality.

An opportunity is seen as an opportune event capable of improving an individual's current state, a new situation that brings benefits.

One job opportunity it is a possibility to work in exchange for financial compensation. Likewise, a business opportunity it is a favorable situation for starting a business.

He is rich these days because he saw a business opportunity and knew how to take it.

The word "opportunity" is a feminine noun from Latin opportunitate but it also derives from the Latin term opportunus which means “favorable, suitable, desirable”. This term is related to the expression thank you which means "to the port" and which was originally a term used in the context of navigation, as it represented the possibility of a boat arriving at the port.

The expression sense of opportunity it means the ability to do a proper thing at the right time.

Some synonyms of opportunity are: chance, occasion, situation.

Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is an expression used in the business of economics, and serves to demonstrate that everything has a cost. This expression refers to the value of an opportunity not chosen for another. Let's look at the example of a company that manufactures 100 televisions a month. This company decides to start manufacturing fans, but to be able to do that, it has to reduce the monthly production of televisions to 80 per month. In this case, the opportunity cost of producing the fans is the 20 televisions that the company gave up on producing.

Nevertheless, this expression is not only applied in monetary terms. The opportunity cost is what a person does not enjoy in relation to a choice because he chose another. For example, if a person is torn between going to the movies or the amusement park, and chooses to go to the movies, the opportunity cost of going to the movies is not going to the amusement park, because it was an opportunity sacrificed.

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