Insidious is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines something or someone who is treacherous, sneaky, deceptive or false. Etymologically, the word "insidious" came from the Latin insidiosus, which is...
Countenance means the appearance and appearance of someone's face, through which it is possible to express various types of feelings and sensations, such as sadness, pain, happiness and so on. The countenance is...
BPC stands for Continuous Social Assistance Benefit, a type of monthly aid equivalent to a minimum wage that the INSS (National Social Security Institute) provides to: Elderly with 65...
User means user, one who has owned or enjoys something for the right to use. From the Latin user, which means user. The word user is an adjective of two genders and also a noun...
Xucro is the animal that has not been tamed, the one that is still wild. The term is part of the language of the countryman, used mainly in regions with a strong rural presence, such as in the states of Rio...
Outrageous is an adjective that classifies something or someone that insults, insults, affronts or attacks someone's dignity. Outrageous corresponds to the verb outrage and the noun outrage and is synonymous with...
Bcc is an abbreviation of "Blind carbon copy" whose meaning in Portuguese is "Cópia occult". Bcc or Bcc (Blind copy) is a term that arises in the context of sending an email, when the user...
Failure to do or say something. It can also be understood as putting aside, despising or forgetting something or someone. Criminal Law understands by omission something that is not done when...
The flag of Spain is the ultimate symbol of the integrity of this country united under the royal crown. Also known as Rojigualda by the Spaniards, the flag of Spain is bicolor, formed by three bands...
Devassa is an investigation to investigate a crime. It is the research of evidence, observation and questioning of witnesses to investigate a criminal act. In the legal field, the terms "close to...
The back is the union of the feminine article a with the preposition a and with certain pronouns whose initial letter is also the a. This union is indicated orthographically through the use of the grave accent (à ), also...
Moral harassment is a type of violence in which a certain person humiliates, embarrasses, offends and attacks the dignity of another. Moral harassment at work consists of prolonged and repetitive exposure of...
Eureka is an interjection that means “found” or “discovered”, an exclamation made famous worldwide by Archimedes of Syracuse. It is usually pronounced by someone who has just met...
DC Comics is one of the great American comic book companies. The acronym DC stands for Detective Comics, the title of a Batman comic book, published in 1939. The superheroes...
Income per capita is a Latin expression that means "income per head". It is the value of the average income per person in the country. It is a concept used in the field of economics to assess development and...