Portuguese language (3)

famous metaphors

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which words or expressions are used in a different sense than usual. In these situations, words are used by comparing meanings and...

Dissertation: what is it, types and examples of dissertation texts

The dissertation, also called a dissertation text, consists of a text in prose structured in order to express the point of view or opinion of the person who writes it. For the success of a dissertation, it is...

meaning of crasis

The back is the union of the feminine article a with the preposition a and with certain pronouns whose initial letter is also the a. This union is indicated orthographically through the use of the grave accent (à ), also...

Definition of Heterogeneous

Heterogeneous is an adjective that can take the meaning of difference, diversity, plurality or variety. The word is used when it is meant, in a given context, that a situation, a...

Poetry, poem, prose and sonnet

Poetry, poem, prose and sonnet are terms frequently used in the literary context, some as synonyms, despite designating different elements. While the poem, the prose and the sonnet are...

Cohesion and Coherence

Coherence and cohesion are two fundamental mechanisms for text production. Cohesion is the mechanism related to elements that ensure the connection between words and phrases, in order to interconnect...

meaning of religious knowledge

Religious knowledge (also called theological knowledge) is all knowledge based on sacred or divine doctrines. Religious knowledge is supported by religious faith, that is, belief...

10 Examples of Understatement

A euphemism is a figure of speech that occurs when one word or expression is used in place of another in order to make the communication of the message to be conveyed lighter. This replacement...

Definition of Disruption

Disruption is a break or discontinuation of an already established process. Something is said to be disruptive when it interrupts, suspends, or deviates from normal operation. So, the adjective can be...

Definition of Ontological

Ontological is an adjective that defines everything that concerns ontology, that is, that investigates the nature of reality and existence. It is said that something is ontological when, from a philosophical point of view,...

Characteristics of Symbolism

Symbolism was a literary movement that emerged in France in the late nineteenth century. This movement also existed in other forms of expression in the arts, but it was in literature that it had more prominence...

Definition of functional illiteracy

Functional illiteracy is the inability to understand texts and simple mathematical operations and to organize one's ideas to express, for example, an argument. A functionally illiterate...

Description meaning

Description is a detailed narration about something or someone, which happens through the enumeration of characteristics or events. A description is marked by the presence of connecting verbs (to be, to be,...

meaning of tale

Tale is a textual genre marked by short narrative, written in prose and less complex than novels. The origin of tales is related to the tradition of telling stories in a way...

What is Realism

Realism was an artistic movement aimed at the objective representation of reality, distancing itself from the subjectivism and sentimentality that characterized the romantic school. The realistic movement had...

Popular Meanings (173)

meaning of emporiumEmpório is a place that is characterized by its large commercial flow, featuri...

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Popular Meanings (174)

Definition of MyopiaNearsightedness is a visual impairment that makes it difficult to see objects...

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Latest Meanings (171)

meaning of populismPopulism is the concept that characterizes the way a ruler governs, using stra...

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