Portuguese language (8)

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Meaning of Repercussion

Repercussion is the consequence or effect of a certain action or situation. It represents what arises from something, reflecting that thing and propagating it. The word repercussion can also be...

Meaning of Benignity

Kindness is the quality of someone who is benign, that is, endowed with good characteristics, such as generosity, kindness and benevolence. In the religious sphere, according to the teachings of the Bible,...

Meaning of Presence

Presence is the condition of something or someone who is in a specific place. It can also refer to what exists in a certain environment, for example. There are many questions about the correct spelling...

Definition of Vigorous

Vigorous is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as the owner of robustness and physical strength. A vigorous person is characterized by having enough energy and vitality to perform a certain action with...

Meaning of Exclusive

Exclusive is an adjective that qualifies something that is exclusive, privileged, that is, that is not included in a generality. This term can also be used to refer to something that is unique to a...

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Meaning of Partial

Partial is what corresponds to a part of a total, that is, that belongs to a whole. A partial judgment is considered unfair and incorrect, as it only analyzes part of a situation, ignoring the point of...

meaning of opportunity

Opportunity represents the same as opportunity, an occasion that is considered favorable, appropriate, or assertive to accomplish something. An opportunity can also mean the act of waiting for the moment...

meaning of prose

Prose is the natural style of speaking and writing, with an absence of musicality, rhyme, rhythm and other particularities of the poetic structure. It consists of the everyday conversation used by people to express themselves...

Meaning of Memorandum

Memorandum is a common textual genre in the official internal communications of institutions, companies and public bodies. Memos serve as a means of conveying information to employees...

Meaning of Paragraph

Paragraph consists of a set of cohesive sentences that serve to express a central thought or idea in a text. The paragraph symbol is represented by the graphic sign §, which represents the expression...

Meaning of Confection

Confection is the production, development and completion of something. It can also refer to made clothing or fabric that was made in a factory, for example. In this case, a confection can...

Definition of Normal

Normal is an adjective that qualifies something as common, regular and usual, meaning that it does not deviate from standards or the norm. Normal can also represent the healthy and natural nature of something, which does not have...

Discussion meaning

Discussion is the act of discussing, debating and provoking controversy. Typically, an argument is formed when two opposing sides try to defend an opinion that is contrary to the other. The discussions...

Definition of Refine

Refine is a verb that refers to the act of making thin, pure and removing any kind of impurities that are contained in a certain thing. From the figurative sense of this word, refine can also...

Definition of Consonance

Consonance is the same as agreement, agreement and harmony between two or more parties. Originally, this term is used to represent the harmonious set of sounds, which are pleasing to the human ear...


Portuguese language (20)

meaning of throughThrough is an adverb of mode and indicates that something has been passed aroun...

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Portuguese language (22)

meaning of your lordshipYour landlord is a formal treatment pronoun used in Portuguese to refer t...

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Portuguese Language (24)

meaning of protestProtest is a form of democratic demonstration, public or reserved, which demons...

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