Portuguese Language (5)

Definition of Refund

Restitution has the meaning of return. The word is used to refer to the act of returning something that belongs to someone else or recovering what has been lost. Another meaning of the word...

Significance of Relevance

Relevance is a characteristic attributed to everything that is of fundamental importance to something, that is, everything that is relevant. This feature is related, in terms...

Definition of Inspection

Inspection means examining or observing with attention to detail. The term can refer to a careful analysis done with the aim of finding problems or to a detailed technical study. Accordingly...

Definition of denigrate

To denigrate is a verb that characterizes, in a figurative sense, the action of defaming someone's reputation. This action refers to the fact of tarnishing the good image of someone or an institution, through...

Definition of Protagonist

Protagonist is the character or individual who has the most prominent role in works in which it is possible to build a plot, such as movies, books, plays, etc. It is, then, an element...

6 Characteristics of narrative text

The narrative text is the textual type that tells a sequence of facts, whether real or imaginary, where the characters act in a certain space and for a certain time. The main...

Definition of Agony

Agony is a word used to define a feeling of anguish, suffering or affliction. It can also mean a state of anxiety and hurry or the feeling of discomfort caused by...

Definition of Diligence

Diligence means taking care, attention or dedication to accomplishing a task. It can also mean the agility, planning or speed of a person to do some activity. In the field of study...

Definition of Prohibited

Vedado is an adjective that means prohibited or closed. When it has the meaning of prohibition, it is common to use the expression to refer to a place that is prohibited or where entry is prohibited. The term...

Significance of Important

Important is an adjective that is attributed to something or someone who has merit or recognition for some achievement. In general terms, it defines the quality of what is relevant, which is highly valued for its...

Definition of superfluous

Superfluous is an adjective that qualifies something that is expendable, unnecessary, or unimportant. The superfluous can also refer to everything that can be discarded, that is left over or is...

Definition of Preamble

Preamble is a noun meaning introduction, beginning or initial statement. The term preamble can refer to the introduction of a text, document, music, the preface to a book or a part...

Definition of POUNDS

LIBRAS is the acronym for Brazilian Sign Language, a set of gestures used by the hearing impaired to communicate between them and other people, whether deaf or hearing. She has her...

Definition of Probity

Probity means acting in accordance with the ethical and moral principles accepted in a society. It means having integrity of character. It is a characteristic of people who usually act with ethics and honor in...

Meaning of Inference

Inference is a deduction made based on information or reasoning that uses available data to reach a conclusion. Inferring is deducing a result, by logic, based on...

Popular Meanings (250)

Definition of HeuristicsHeuristics is the art of discovering and inventing, a typical characteris...

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Latest Meanings (250)

Definition of GoodwillGoodwill is the term used to name the extra amount that is charged on a cer...

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Latest Meanings (251)

Definition of AlibiAlibi is a masculine noun in Portuguese, relating to evidence or testimony tha...

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