Latest Meanings (213)

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Definition of Atoll

Atol is an oceanic island formed by corals and characterized by having an oval shape. Typically, an atoll forms from the crater of a volcanic island, when coral reefs build up around it...

meaning of yakuza

Yakuza is a famous and traditional Japanese mafia, known internationally for its violent crimes and its strict code of posture and honor. The word Yakuza (Ya-Ku-Za) represents the sequence...

Definition of Fossil

Fossil is the remnant of an ancient biological material, whether of plant or animal origin, that has been preserved over the years in the Earth's soil or subsoil. Fossils are traces of living beings that lived there...

Meaning of Menu

Menu is a type of record that highlights the essential points about a given subject, usually in the form of a list. The menu is like a summary or synopsis of a particular topic or area. When it comes to...

Definition of Induction

Induction is the act of inducing, that is, arriving at a result from elements previously present or indicative of such a conclusion. But, the word induction can be interpreted from different points...

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Meaning of Rebut

Refute is a verb in Portuguese that refers to the act of denying or denying previously presented information. Example: “The entrepreneur refuted the accusations”. So that there is a rebuttal...

meaning of executioner

The executioner is related to the behavior of an individual considered cruel, who is capable of practicing inhumane and abominable attitudes. The executioner can also be the name given to the person who is responsible for the execution...

Meaning of Admiring

Admiring is a verb in the Portuguese language and refers to the act of contemplating someone or something with pleasure, pride and affection. This term can also be used when there is a mixture between the feeling of...

meaning of nonsense

Absurd is an adjective in Portuguese that refers to what is devoid of reason, purpose or wisdom. The word “absurd” can be used in different contexts, assuming meanings and...

Meaning of Empowerment

Empowerment is the collective social action of participating in debates that aim to enhance civil awareness about social and civil rights. This awareness enables the acquisition of...

Definition of Russian Roulette

Russian Roulette is a dangerous game of chance that can lead to the death of its participants. Players must place only one bullet in the “barrel” of the revolver and rotate it, pointing the gun at the head and...

Meaning of Abstract

Abstract is everything that results from an abstraction of an alienation. It's what only exists in the idea, in the concept. In philosophy, abstract is any representation that does not correspond to any sensory data or...

Meaning of Cease

Cease is a verb in Portuguese that refers to the act of interrupting the progress or continuation of something, that is, making a certain event stop, stop continuing. The verb to cease yet...

meaning of buzzword

Chavão is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language and means an idea, phrase or thought that is already worn out, that was used a lot and that is considered "commonplace", cliché. A buzzword...

meaning of long-suffering

Long-suffering is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and defines someone who has the characteristic or quality of greatness of mind, a person who faces adversities with courage please...

Latest Meanings (207)

Definition of IBGEIBGE is the acronym for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, a ...

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Latest Meanings (206)

Significance of the Olympic TorchOlympic Torch is one of the main symbols of the Olympic Games of...

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Latest Meanings (208)

Definition of AnacolutoAnacoluto is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language that sets up a ...

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