Latest Meanings (283)

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meaning of semantics

Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of words, phrases and texts in a language. Semantics is divided into: descriptive or synchronic - that which studies the current meaning of...

Definition of Celeuma

Celeuma means fuss, chatter, uproar, sound of voices, noise, shouting. It is a clamor of voices resulting from a tumult of confusion, of discord. Celeuma is a feminine noun, from...

Definition of Earthwork

Earthworks is a less common term to refer to earthworks, which means the act or effect of leveling, filling the gaps in a piece of land with earth so that it remains flat. It consists of a technique used in...

meaning of fashion

Fashion is the feminine noun that means a more prevalent manner or custom in a particular group at a particular time. It's a word often used to designate a way of dressing that is...

Meaning of Avarice

Avarice is a feminine noun that means too much and sordid attachment to money. It is the burning desire to accumulate wealth. Avarice is the lack of generosity is the pettiness, the stinginess, the...

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meaning of misery

Misery means begging, a state of want. It is an expression used when pertinent to the lack of basic needs for survival. Misery also means pity, shame, when it does...

meaning of Bethel

Bethel is a word originating in Hebrew that means "house of God". It is a biblical city located north of Jerusalem, which was a place of high importance to the Israelites, where they provided...

meaning of user

User means user, one who has owned or enjoys something for the right to use. From the Latin user, which means user. The word user is an adjective of two genders and also a noun...

Definition of Rupture

Rupture means breaking, violently breaking, interrupting, violating, cutting, voiding a covenant or a treaty. Rupture is the act or effect of breaking, brusquely violating something that had been...

Definition of Blitz

Blitz is a foreign expression already incorporated into our language, figuratively speaking, to refer to a sudden police raid aimed at combating any type of illegality. THE...

Definition of TOC

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a psychiatric disorder designated as a generated disorder. by compulsive thoughts that generate anxiety causing discomfort or suffering in the individual...

meaning of tradition

Tradition is a word originating from the Latin term traditio, which means "to deliver" or "to pass on". Tradition is the transmission of customs, behaviors, memories, rumors, beliefs,...

Definition of Prophylaxis

Prophylaxis is a term widely used in medicine and dentistry, which are measures to prevent or alleviate diseases. The term prophylaxis is of Greek origin and means precaution, being also used...

meaning of homicide

Homicide is the masculine noun meaning the act of killing a person, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. It is synonymous with murder or murder. The word homicide is formed by...

Meaning of Concomitant

Concomitant means simultaneous, which manifests itself at the same time as the other, which accompanies. It is said of two or more actions that take place at the same moment, they are coexisting events. Concomitant...

Latest Meanings (138)

Meaning of ConcessionConcession is a feminine noun from the Latin "concessio" which means permiss...

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Popular Meanings (139)

Definition of AsceticismAsceticism is a philosophical doctrine that advocates abstaining from phy...

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Popular Meanings (140)

Meaning of OpportunityOpportunity means a favorable occasion, opportunity, convenience, represent...

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