Latest Meanings (281)

Definition of Fetishism

Fetishism is the worship or worship of fetishes, which are objects to which supernatural power is attributed and which can be animate or inanimate, be made by man, or used in their natural form...

Definition of LDL and HDL

HDL and LDL are the acronyms, in English, used to designate the types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. HDL is called good cholesterol and LDL is called bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is a...

Definition of Sniper

Sniper means a sniper, and is an English term. Sniper or sniper, is an expert sniper, who has the ability to shoot targets from hidden positions or...

meaning of right

Law can refer to the science of law or the set of legal norms in force in a country (objective law). It can also have the sense of integrity, honorable. It's what's fair, straight and...

Definition of Elbow Pain

Elbow pain is a popular expression that means sadness, disappointment, frustration, strong moral depression (ditch). The expression "elbow pain" is used to demonstrate a moment of sadness for if...

meaning of RSVP

RSVP is the acronym for the French expression “Répondez S’il Vous Plait” which in Portuguese means "Answer Please". It is very common to see this acronym on invitations to events such as weddings, where the...

meaning of Yankee

Yankee is an English word used to describe an American or New England resident. This word was Portuguese, taking the Yankee form. In English, the word Yankee is...

meaning of zombie

Zumbi is an undead, a person who died and rose again, is just a body without a soul, and comes from the term nzumbe, which is from an African language. The term zombie began to become known through...

meaning of aff

Aff is a word used to express discontent, indignation, disappointment, dissatisfaction. The word aff is not found in the dictionary, it is simply a transcription that imitates the sound that...

meaning of vanity

Vanity is the exaggerated care of the appearance, for pleasure or with the aim of attracting the admiration or praise of others. It's the need to brag, to show off, to show off. To have vanity is to have how...

Meaning of Miser

Miser means stingy, miserable, stingy, not generous, not giving charity. It's the one who is sordidly attached to money. Avarento is an adjective that qualifies that individual who has...

meaning of imbecile

Imbecile is an adjective of two genders that qualifies a person who reveals foolishness or weakness of spirit. He is the one who says or practices stupidities, dizzy, weak, ignorant. In the figurative sense, imbecile...

Definition of Plant

Usina is a large industrial establishment equipped with machines, where raw or semi-finished materials are transformed into final products such as ethanol, alcohol, sugar, steel, etc. The generating plant...

Definition of Itching

Itching, popularly known as itching or itching, is a set of sensory disturbances in the skin that provoke the desire and need to scratch. Itching can be localized, generalized,...

Definition of Uber

Uber is slang for super, mega, ultra, much, better, cool. It is used to express admiration, surprise, amazement or to point out that something is exceptional, it's the best, it's all about...

Popular Meanings (84)

Definition of ObsoleteObsolete means everything that is outdated, out of date, old-fashioned, arc...

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Latest Meanings (85)

Definition of IdeologyIdeology, in a broad sense, means what would be or is ideal. This term has ...

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Latest Meanings (84)

Definition of homelessnessHome abandonment is a legal concept used when one of the spouses leaves...

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