Latest Meanings (280)

Definition of Focus

Focus is a masculine noun meaning the sharpness of an image, the vision of a well-defined goal, the center and the point of convergence. The expression “out of focus” indicates that the image is...

meaning of being born again

Being born again means having the opportunity to start life over, to have a new chance. The term is widely used in the Bible, and also in the Evangelical Church, since being born again is synonymous with accepting the...

meaning of melody

Melody is the feminine noun that means the harmonious and beautiful chain of musical sounds. Originating in the Greek meloidy, a melody is a rhythmic succession of tones at different intervals, and that...

Definition of Anathema

Anathema means excommunication, execration, cursing, energetic reproach. From the Greek “Anáthema” (thing put aside), formed from the preposition “aná” (to one side) plus “tithemí” (to put)...

Definition of Vacancy

Vacancy is a feminine noun that refers to what is presented or has become vacant, that is, what is not occupied or filled. For example: Residential vacancy rate – is the...

Definition of Vacatio Legis

Vacatio Legis is a legal term, of Latin origin, which means the vacancy of the law, that is, "the Law Vacancy", which is the period between the day a law is published and the day it enters in...

meaning of AIDS

AIDS is an acronym originated from English, which means Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). It is the final stage of the disease caused by HIV, a virus that causes...

meaning of slim

Slim is an English adjective that means thin, thin, slender. Slim is also the verb to slim down. The term is used in various contexts to give the idea of ​​something thin, thin...

meaning of sieve

Screen is a masculine noun that names several objects that have a kind of sieve, that have holes at different points. It can be a wire sieve used to separate grains, according to the...

meaning of falsehood

Falsehood is a characteristic of what is false, which is contrary to truth or reality. The meaning of falsehood is related to everything that concerns lying, slander,...

meaning of kitsch

Kitsch is a noun with German origins that describes something in bad taste, in the realm of aesthetics. It is content created to appeal to popular taste. Being something with little quality, many...

Definition of Odyssey

Odyssey is an epic poem from the 9th century BC. C., described by the Greek poet Homer, who narrates the adventures of the hero Ulysses, on his return journey to “Ithaca” after the Trojan War. The name...

Definition of Homeric

Homeric is an adjective that refers or belongs to the Greek poet Homer, his works, or his style: "Homeric poems", "Homeric times", "Homeric period". Homer was the poet of...

Definition of Eosinophils

Eosinophils (or Eosinophil Granulocytes) are blood cells that develop in the bone marrow and are responsible for defending the body against parasites and infectious agents. Too...

Definition of Anisocytosis

Anisocytosis is a medical term that means disparity in the size of some cells, especially in red blood cells. The word comes from the Greek, where anísos means "unequal",...

Latest Meanings (101)

3 Moving Stories about Human ResilienceWhat do you do when you are faced with a big problem? Run,...

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Latest Meanings (99)

Meaning of Social HierarchySocial hierarchy is the levels and positions of each individual within...

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Popular Meanings (100)

Meaning of Infinity SymbolThe infinity symbol, also known as the Lying Eight, represents the conc...

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