Hallelujah means Praise God Yahweh or Worship God Yahweh. It is a term of Hebrew origin "Halleluyah", formed by the joining of Hallelu, which means Praise, plus Yah which means God, Yahweh. Therefore...
Kyrie eleison means "Lord have mercy", it is a term of Greek origin. Kyrie eleison is also a Christian prayer, and it is present in the Bible, in Psalm 51. The term is often used in masses...
Kyrios is a word of Greek origin, meaning “Lord”, “Lord” or “Master” and is used as a synonym for God or Jesus among Greek Christians. When the Jews started to...
Gnosiology (or gnoseology) is the part of Philosophy that studies human knowledge. It is formed from the Greek term “gnosis” which means “knowledge” and “logos” which means...
Rationalism is a philosophical theory that prioritizes reason as a faculty of knowledge in relation to the senses. Rationalism can be divided into different strands: the strand...
Axioms are universally valid unquestionable truths, often used as principles in theory building or as a basis for argumentation. The word axiom derives from the Greek...
Dogma is a term of Greek origin that literally means “what one thinks is true”. In ancient times, the term was linked to what appeared to be a belief or conviction, a firm thought or...
Eclecticism is a doctrine or tendency that collects and selects elements from other theories that seem appropriate. The essence of eclecticism is the freedom to choose and reconcile various styles...
Dogmatism is the tendency of an individual to affirm or believe in something as true and indisputable, it is a term often used by religion and philosophy. Dogmatism occurs when a person...
OK or Okay (in English) is an expression used when something is ok, correct or understood. It is said in the sense of affirming or accepting something. Ok it's an expression of unknown origin...
WTF is the abbreviation for the English expression What the Fuck, often used as slang when someone doesn't understand something, for example. This expression is considered rude, both in...
OMG is an abbreviation of the English expression Oh My God, which in Portuguese means “Oh My God”. This is a slang that emerged in the United States and became popular mainly on the internet and...
Mordaz is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to describe something or someone capable of biting or causing deterioration. Etymologically, the word "scathing" originated from...
Engage is a verb in Portuguese, referring to the act of voluntarily participating in some work or activity. The use of the word engage is common when participation is made with the intention...
Primor is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language, referring to what has superiority or perfection. Primordial may be the characteristic of a given process, considered excessively accurate,...