Latest Meanings (295)

Definition of Ilmo

Hon. is an abbreviation of the treatment pronoun “Ilustríssimo” used in official communications. After the year 1991, its use was dispensed with considering the form of treatment to be sufficient...

meaning of namesake

The term namesake has several meanings, being commonly used to designate people who have the same first name. The phrases "He is my namesake" or "They are namesakes" are common examples...

meaning of prequel

Prequela is a feminine noun that describes a literary, dramatic or cinematographic work that reports previous events of a given work, often revealing the same characters...

Definition of Detriment

Detriment is the masculine noun that means harm, loss, loss. It is also synonymous with damage, breakage and disadvantage. It is often used in the prepositional phrase "in detriment of". According to the...

meaning of life

Life means existence. From the Latin “vita”, which refers to life. It is the state of ceaseless activity common to organized beings. It is the period between birth and death. By extension...

meaning of profane

Profane is anything that transgresses the sacred rules. It is what becomes contrary to the respect due to divine things. Grammatically, profane is an adjective that qualifies what is foreign to religion. Of...

meaning of sensible

Sensato is a masculine adjective that qualifies one who has good sense, one who makes the perfect application of reason to judge or reason in each particular case of his life. To be sensible means to be...

meaning of local life

Vida loka is a lifestyle exalted in the songs sung by funkeiros, who are currently known by the acronym “mc”, which means “master of ceremonies”. Living a “loka life” is living...

Definition of Temperature

Temperature is a statistical measure of the level of agitation between molecules, related to the displacement of the kinetic energy of an atom or molecule. In Physics, temperature is related to...

meaning of practice

Praxe means routine, an established and frequent procedure, what is usually practiced. Praxe is a feminine noun that indicates what is customary, what is done in the usual way,...

Meaning of USD

USD is the acronym for United States Dollar, which means United States Dollar, the American currency. The dollar is the country's official currency, but it is also used in several countries around the world, free of charge...

Meaning of Mbps

Mbps or Mbit/s means megabit per second. It is a unit of data transmission equivalent to 1,000 kilobits per second or 1,000,000 bits per second. For example: the quality of a VHS is 2 Mbit/s,...

Definition of Idiosyncratic

Idiosyncratic is an expression used to refer, many times, to unusual or even inappropriate situations. The word idiosyncratic is not found in the Portuguese language dictionary,...

Definition of Bias

Bias is a masculine noun originating from the French term biais, which means oblique, slant, askew, or classifies something that has an oblique direction. Bias can also designate a strip of cloth...

Definition of Abstinence

Abstinence is the act of depriving yourself of something for some purpose, for example, abstinence from food for a religious reason, such as abstinence from meat. Abstinence is a decision,...

Latest Meanings (127)

Definition of artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence (A.I., in English) is a research bra...

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Latest Meanings (125)

Meaning of ICMSICMS stands for Tax on Transactions related to the Circulation of Goods and Provis...

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Latest Meanings (128)

Definition of PentagonPentagon is a geometric figure formed by five angles and sides. It is also ...

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