Popular Meanings (297)

meaning of away

Away is an English adjective that means absent, out, or far, far, remote. As an adverb it means far, far away, away, away. The term away, when added to a verb...

Meaning of vice versa

Vice versa is an adverb used to indicate something whose order is reversed from the initial order. It can also be used to identify when something is done or done in a way...

Definition of hierarchical level

Hierarchical level is a scale that ranks placements that go from the lowest to the highest level. It can represent hierarchies, degrees or positions and is used for numerous...

Types of Dictatorships

A dictatorship is a government regime in which there is a concentration of power and decisions in one person or in a group. It is an anti-democracy government regime in which the participation of citizens...

Meaning of Enabled Benefit

Qualified benefit is an expression used to refer to the status of social benefits that are requested from the National Social Security Institute (INSS). The term is used to explain that the...

Definition of civil disobedience

Civil disobedience is a type of manifestation legally accepted against the regime imposed by a oppressive government, when a group of citizens refuses to obey certain laws, in the form of protest,...

Meaning of Melting Point

Melting point represents the exact temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid. Water is one of the most used elements to exemplify the principle of...

Meaning of achieve

To cheat is to deceive, lie or take advantage. According to Portuguese language dictionaries, the verb to achieve also has the meaning of enjoying, or achieving something. Succeeding means...

Definition of Authoritarianism

Authoritarianism is a leadership system whereby the leader has absolute and authoritarian power and implements his goals and rules without seeking the guidance and advice of his followers. This system of...

meaning of Achilles

Achilles was a great warrior of Greek mythology, character of the "War of Troy", narrated by the Greek epic poet Homer, in the classic of universal literature "Iliad", in the 9th century BC. Ç. Achilles was...

Definition of Black Power

Black Power means “black power” in the literal translation from English to Portuguese, and it was known as a movement that evidenced black culture and resistance in a society predominantly...

Definition of Stamina

Stamina or stamina is the term given to what is also called endurance, strength and vigor, whether that of a human or an animal. The stamina can represent both vitality and physical strength, such as...

meaning of half bowl

Half bowl or "half bowl" is a popular expression meaning worthless, mediocre. It is used to designate something unimportant. It can also be used to define an incompetent person. Ex: The...

Mecca: the holy city of Muslims

Mecca is the holiest city for Muslims. It is where the prophet Mohammed was born and where the Kaaba is found, a cube that holds the black stone that God would have sent to Adam for the remission of sins. Mecca stays...

Definition of Snooze

Snooze means nap, sleep, and is an English term. Snooze has several other meanings, they can be related to sleep, but it is also a button for alarm clocks and cell phones. Snooze occurs...

Popular Expressions (6)

Definition of GandaiaGandaia is the act of rummaging through garbage in search of something valua...

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Popular Expressions (10)

Meaning of Taking the Horse out of the Rain"Take the horse out of the rain" or "Take the horse ou...

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Expressions in English (8)

meaning of skinheadSkinhead is an English word that means "shaven head" in Portuguese. It is an e...

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