Popular Meanings (299)

Meaning of Iconoclasm

Iconoclasm was the movement to contest the use and veneration of religious images and icons that emerged in the early days of Christianity. Iconoclasm, as a political-religious ideology, if...

Meaning of sink

Sumidouro is the name given to the hole in the ground through which water flows. It can also be interpreted as the hole or similar where something disappears. Sinks can be natural or artificial. You...


Flagrant refers to what is seen, recorded or observed at the time it is taking place, in a surprised and incontestable way, due to the presence of witnesses. The flagrant is configured when...

meaning of transdisciplinarity

Transdisciplinarity is an education concept that comprises knowledge in a plural way. It is a more open current of thought that seeks to respond to the traditional method of dividing...

Meaning of the expression bland

The expression bland refers to what is not pleasing, not funny, and not attention-grabbing. It also corresponds to what does not displease, does not generate disgust. It is closer to indifferent,...

Significance of Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism is a branch of Buddhism, known for having a more pronounced mystical character, expressed through its meditation rituals and elaborate artistic reproduction. Too...

meaning of alma mater

Alma mater is a Latin expression that means “mother who feeds” or “mother who nourishes”, literally translated into Portuguese. Alma mater is a very common phrase to designate...

Definition of Bullet

Balela is a word used in the informal vocabulary of the Brazilian Portuguese language as a synonym for a lie or information devoid of truth. A bullet is also the name given to a rumor or...

Definition of Ideological Falsehood

Misrepresentation is a crime of fraud that consists of tampering with documents for the purpose of gaining one's own advantage or to harm/benefit third parties. According to the Penal Code...

Definition of Eito

Eito means a specific action or activity where a series of events are in the same direction or line. Eito is the name given to work carried out to clean a plantation, by...

Definition of Optical Illusion

An optical illusion or optical illusion involves images that are perceived by the visual system in one way and interpreted differently in the brain. While the brain can process some of the...

Definition of Taiga

Taiga, coniferous forest or boreal forest is a homogeneous forest of pine and fir trees, with needle-shaped (acculated) leaves that do not accumulate snow during the long winter, remaining...

meaning of headshot

Headshot means "shot in the head", an expression in English that is used in Brazil among video game players to refer to the shot that hits the opponent's head during the game. This term...

Definition of Liquid Effluents

Liquid effluents are polluting substances released into nature without proper treatment, causing serious damage to the ecosystem of rivers, lakes, streams and oceans. The liquid effluents are...

Definition of Immolate

Immolate means the act of killing or dying as a form of sacrifice to what is considered divine and sacred. Immolations (sacrifices) were widely practiced among most ancient societies as...

Latest Meanings (293)

Definition of LuauLuau is a typical festival of Hawaii, an American archipelago located in the Pa...

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Popular Meanings (293)

meaning of primePrimor is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language, referring to what has supe...

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Popular Meanings (294)

Definition of Net ModernityIt is the term coined by the Polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman to defi...

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