Meaning of Yuppies (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Yuppies is an English expression that means "Young Urban Professional", that is, Young Urban Professional. It is a term used to refer to young professionals between 20 and 40 years of age, usually in an intermediate financial situation between the middle and upper classes.

Yuppies generally have a college degree, value material goods, work in their training professions, and follow the latest fashion trends. The term also started to be used in Brazil and Portugal without translation, and with the same meaning adopted in the English language. The term yuppie describes a set of attributes and behavior traits that have come to constitute a stereotype believed to be common in the US, England, and several other Western countries.

Occasionally the term is used with a certain pejorative charge, as a label, a stereotype, both in English-speaking countries, as well as in Brazil or Portugal.

Usually, yuppies are more conservative than the generation before them, the hippies.

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