Market Share means market share, in Portuguese, and is the faty or market share that a company has in its segment or in the segment of a particular product. Market Share is used to assess the strength and difficulties of a company, as well as the acceptance of its products.
An example is when a brand of cookies sells 3,000 boxes a month in a market whose total, where we consider all competing brands is 10 thousand boxes, therefore this company has a market 30% share.
The Market Share concept also aims to measure the growth of products in the market, in addition to discovering niches individualized, appearing the trend of sales planning that is called taylor made in the market, that is, the distribution individualized and segmented. The product or service will be delivered to the customer considering their consumer profile, with the main objective of increasing sales taking into account the different types of consumers.
Often the value of a product grows a lot with Market Share, because the more it is used and sought after, the more important it will be for consumers.
Market Share and Telephony
In the context of cellular telephony, in November 2012, this was the situation of the Market Share regarding the four biggest brands in the market (Vivo, TIM, Claro and Oi): Vivo obtained 29.22%, TIM 26.74%, Claro 24.75% and Oi 18,98%.
Market Share and Android
Cell phones with the Android system are nowadays a great success story. This can be confirmed in the market share which indicates that in the third quarter of 2012, Android devices reached a 75% market share.
Beer Market Share in 2012
In June 2012, this was the market share situation in the case of beer: AmBev (eg Skol, Brahma, Antarctica) - 68.57%; Cervejaria Petrópolis (eg Itaipava, Crystal, Petra) - 10.81%, Schincariol (eg Nova Schin, Devassa, Primus) - 10.63%; Heineken (eg Kaiser, Sol, Heineken) - 8.57%.
Pay TV Market Share
In the case of pay TV, in November 2012, DTH reached a market share of 60.4%, while TV Cabo reached 38.6%.