Latest Meanings (253)

Definition of Contract Amendment

Contract amendment means adding information to a particular contract, when it is need to correct or clarify any specific clause, or supplement with new data lacking...

Definition of cold cow

Cold cow is a popular expression used when the speaker wants to return to the initial topic of a conversation; a subject that is no longer new, but still needs to be discussed or deepened. THE...

meaning of virility

Virility is the characteristic or state of being virile; condition of what is masculine, energetic, powerful, hardworking, vigorous or courageous. Culturally, the virility stereotype is related to the...

Definition of Determinism

Determinism is a philosophical concept that says that all facts are based on causes, that is, every event is governed by determination, whether natural or supernatural. The term...

meaning of Achilles

Achilles was a great warrior of Greek mythology, character of the "War of Troy", narrated by the Greek epic poet Homer, in the classic of the universal literature "Iliad", in the 9th century BC. Ç. Achilles was...

Definition of Hypoxia

Hypoxia means decreased oxygen supply or low oxygen concentration in tissues. The word "hypoxia" comes from the Greek "hypos" = little, scarce + "oxis", which indicates that the word if...

Definition of Ischemia

Ischemia is a medical term that means a deficiency or absence of blood supply and, consequently, of oxygen, in a certain tissue or organ. The word "ischemia" comes from the Greek "ischaimos",...

Definition of Gandaia

Gandaia is the act of rummaging through garbage in search of something valuable or the lifestyle of an idle person; a rogue; someone who lives a life without rules or limits. The word gandaia is etymologically from...

meaning of theocratic state

Theocratic state is a country or nation that has a system of government that conforms to the norms of a specific religion. The rules that govern political, legal, moral conduct and...

Definition of Drone

Drone is an English word that means "drone" literally translated into Portuguese. However, this term has become popular worldwide to designate any type of aircraft that does not...

Definition of STD

STD stands for "Sexually Transmitted Disease". Sexually Transmitted Diseases are infectious diseases transmitted mainly through unprotected sexual contact, and can also be...

Definition of Starvation

Starvation is a state of extreme debility caused by lack of food, which causes the body to consume your own tissues to get the calories needed to stay alive, degrading...

Meaning of kWh/month

kWh/month or Kilowatt-hour per month is a measure of the energy consumed by an electrical appliance running for a month. Knowing that a kW equals 1000 watts, if an electrical device consumes 1...

Definition of Jurisprudence

Jurisprudence is a legal term, which means the set of decisions, applications and interpretations of laws. It is also described as the science of law and the study of law. The jurisprudence...

meaning of identity

Identity is the quality of identical. It is the recognition that the individual is the individual. It is the set of particular characters that identify a person, such as name, date of birth, gender,...

Latest Meanings (117)

Meaning of PostmodernityPost-modernity is a concept that represents the entire socio-cultural str...

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Latest Meanings (115)

Meaning of Wooden Wedding (5 years of marriage)Wooden Wedding is the name given to the celebratio...

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Latest Meanings (116)

Definition of thermal equilibriumThermal equilibrium occurs when two bodies - initially at differ...

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