Popular Meanings (284)

Definition of Zone

Zone is a location, a region, a range, a delimited area. The expression zona determines the meaning of several words, including urban zone, intertropical zone, friction zone, Free Zone, zone...

Definition of Nhac

Nhac is an onomatopoeia created to represent the sound produced by the process of chewing or biting food. The process of forming words or phonemes whose...

meaning of nobleman

Hidalgo is a member of the nobility or someone with noble gestures. The word arose from the contraction of the expression "filho d'algo", used in the region of Portugal and Spain at the time of the courts. A "son of something", and...

Definition of Outback

Cafundó is an expression used to refer to a remote and desolate place, difficult to access. It is a masculine noun meaning "very distant place" or "end of the world". Many times this word...

Significance of Human Relations Theory

The Theory of Human Relations, also called the School of Human Relations, is the gathering of theories on human behavior in the workplace, created to guide the studies of...

Meaning of assumed profit

Presumed profit is the name given to a type of taxation related to legal entities (companies), that is, it is a type of calculation used as a basis for charging a tax. It's called presumed because...

meaning of SAP

The German acronym SAP (Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung) is translated into Portuguese as Systems, Applications and Products for Data Processing. SAP is a Management software...

Definition of minimum wage

Minimum wage is the lowest monetary payment, defined by law, that a worker must receive for his services. The value is defined by national law and applies to the entire country. It is re-evaluated annually...

Definition of physical fitness

Physical fitness is a person's ability to practice physical activities safely, avoiding the risk of health problems or injuries. According to the World Health Organization...

Definition of Environmental Licensing

Environmental licensing is the procedure by which the competent body licenses the location, installation, expansion or operation of activities that may, in any way, cause damage environmental...

meaning of please

Please is an adverbial phrase in Portuguese, and is an expression used to connote kindness, courtesy, delicacy and respect. The correct way to write this expression is please...

meaning of kelvin

Kelvin is the name given to the basic unit of thermodynamic temperature, according to the International System of Units. The temperature of 1 Kelvin corresponds to -272.15°C (celsius) and -457.87°F...

Correspondent Definition

Correspondent is a two-gender adjective that is related to the correspondence between two things or people, that is, what is proportional or appropriate to something or someone. Example: "The journey of...

Definition of Disclaimer

Dismissal is a term used in the field of law to refer to an act of dismissal. It is mainly used in reference to the disconnection of a person from an employment relationship in a position...

meaning of secular state

A secular state is a country or nation that has an impartial political position in relation to religion, neither supporting nor opposing any religious belief. The secular state is also known...

Popular Meanings (330)

HistogramHistogram is a graph used for data analysis. This type of presentation makes it easier t...

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Latest Meanings (329)

Definition of BSC - Balanced ScorecardBSC - Balanced Scorecard is a strategic planning tool in wh...

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Popular Meanings (332)

meaning of buoyancyBuoyancy is the force a fluid exerts on a submerged body. This force has a ver...

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