Latest Meanings (167)

Meaning of Benignity

Kindness is the quality of someone who is benign, that is, endowed with good characteristics, such as generosity, kindness and benevolence. In the religious sphere, according to the teachings of the Bible,...

meaning of instance

Instance is the quality of what is inevitable and imminent, that is, what is likely to happen at any time or something that is close to happening. The noun instance can still refer to...

Definition of Vigorous

Vigorous is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as the owner of robustness and physical strength. A vigorous person is characterized by having enough energy and vitality to perform a certain action with...

Definition of Celibacy

Celibacy is the state in which a person agrees not to marry or have sex with another person. As a rule, celibacy is a common practice among some religious, who abdicate...

meaning of savanna

Savannah or cerrado, as it is known in Brazil, is a type of biome characteristic of regions with a tropical, hot and humid climate. The typical vegetation of the serrado is low, with sparse trees, shrubs...

Definition of Tuning

Tuning is a term related to the condition of agreement, balance and reciprocity between two parties, according to the figurative sense of the word. In electronics, the definition of tuning consists of...

Definition of Didactics

Didactics is the analysis and development of techniques and methods that can be used to teach certain content to an individual or a group. Didactics is part of science...

Definition of Acuity

Acuity is a feminine noun that names what is sharp, which ends in a point, that is, what is sharp. It comes from the Latin acuitas. Acuity, in the figurative sense, means the sharpness of...

meaning of caucasian

Caucasian is the term used to define an ethnic division of light-skinned (white) individuals, essentially from the European continent. The term Caucasian was created as a synonym for...

meaning of igloo

Igloo is a construction made of snow and ice, used as a shelter from extreme cold in polar regions. Igloos are traditionally used by Eskimos to protect themselves from low temperatures...

Meaning of Exclusive

Exclusive is an adjective that qualifies something that is exclusive, privileged, that is, that is not included in a generality. This term can also be used to refer to something that is unique to a...

Definition of Blasphemy

Blasphemy is an offense to a deity. It is an insult to a religion or to everything that is considered sacred. It is the slander of a God's name. Blasphemy is also an insulting word or act against...

Meaning of Partial

Partial is what corresponds to a part of a total, that is, that belongs to a whole. A partial judgment is considered unfair and incorrect, as it only analyzes part of a situation, ignoring the point of...

meaning of opportunity

Opportunity represents the same as opportunity, an occasion that is considered favorable, appropriate, or assertive to accomplish something. An opportunity can also mean the act of waiting for the moment...

Definition of Hail

Hail is an ice rain, which occurs when precipitation falls from the sky in chunks of ice, which are usually between 0.5 cm and 5 cm in diameter. Rare people die during a...

Popular Meanings (153)

Significance of the Diamond Wedding (60 years of marriage)Diamond Wedding is the celebration of 6...

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Latest Meanings (150)

Definition of RemissionForgiveness is the act or action of forgiving and redeeming. The etymologi...

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Latest Meanings (149)

meaning of humbleHumble is an adjective given to a person when he does not have an appearance of ...

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