Latest Meanings (168)

Definition of Ebenezer

Ebenezer means stone of help, or gratitude, is a term in Hebrew. Ebenezer is a village in Ephraim (region of Canaan), where the Philistines defeated the Israelites and took the Ark of the Covenant...

Meaning of Semester

Semester corresponds to the time period of six consecutive months. A year is usually divided into two semesters or twelve months. In this sense, the end of the first half of the year is a sign that this is...

Definition of Gastronomy

Gastronomy is a branch of cuisine that encompasses all the techniques, practices and knowledge that help build quality food. Gastronomy studies not only the various ways of...

Definition of Positioning

Positioning is the action of taking a stand in relation to something, that is, taking an attitude and taking a stand on a certain issue. Literally, this word can still mean the location of...

Definition of Ragnarok

Ragnarok is a prophetic event that would represent the end of the world, according to Norse mythology. The apocalypse, from the point of view of the Norsemen, would consist of a great battle between the gods who, like...

Meaning of Social Psychology

Social psychology is a field of study in psychology that focuses on the analysis of an individual's behavior in relation to their social relationships. Social psychology is an area that is on the edge between...

String meaning

Sequence is the action of continuing, of following, of continuing with something that has already been started previously. The sequel features a continuation of something that was shown earlier, but it can also...

Lithosphere meaning

Lithosphere is one of the layers that form a rocky planet. It consists of the solid outer part of this, which is usually formed by soil and rocks. The planet Earth's lithosphere is formed by the Earth's crust,...

Definition of Biosphere

Biosphere means sphere of life. These are the environmental conditions in which the earth's animal and plant life takes place. It is the layer of the terrestrial globe inhabited by living beings. Contains soil, air, water,...

Definition of Laissez-faire

Laissez-faire is a French expression that literally means "letting go", and is considered a symbol of the liberal economy defended by capitalism. According to economic liberalism, the State...

Definition of Organization

Organization is how a system is put in place to achieve the desired results. It usually consists of one, two or more people who perform functions in a controlled and coordinated manner with...

Definition of Ergonomics

Ergonomics consists of the set of disciplines that study the organization of work in which interactions between human beings and machines exist. This term originated from the Greek ergon, which means...

Definition of Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a chemical element symbolized by the letter H, and considered the simplest among all, being formed only by a proton and an electron. Hydrogen molecules are essential for...

Meaning of Memorandum

Memorandum is a common textual genre in the official internal communications of institutions, companies and public bodies. Memos serve as a means of conveying information to employees...

Meaning of Paragraph

Paragraph consists of a set of cohesive sentences that serve to express a central thought or idea in a text. The paragraph symbol is represented by the graphic sign §, which represents the expression...

Latest Meanings (289)

Definition of CommoditiesCommodities is an English word, it is the plural of commodity that means...

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Popular Meanings (290)

Definition of VivaciousVivacious is that which is vigorous, full of life. The adjective in Portug...

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Latest Meanings (290)

Meaning of AvailableAvailable is an adjective of two genders originating from the Latin disponere...

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