Latest Meanings (166)

meaning of thickness

Thickness is the same as thickness, that is, the condition of something that is thick, that has a consistent and high density. When it is said that something is thick, it means that it is full-bodied, with an agglomeration...

Meaning of urban violence

Urban violence is the set of actions that violate the law and public order in urban centers and metropolises. Murders and assaults are some of the main forms of violence that are more...

Meaning of Opportunity

Opportunity means a favorable occasion, opportunity, convenience, represents the quality of timeliness. An opportunity is seen as an opportune event capable of improving the current state of a...

Meaning of Repercussion

Repercussion is the consequence or effect of a certain action or situation. It represents what arises from something, reflecting that thing and propagating it. The word repercussion can also be...

Definition of Sensitivity

Sensitivity is the sensory perceptual capacity related to emotions, feelings or even physical sensations. All human beings are endowed with different levels of sensitivity,...

Definition of Erga omnes

Erga omnes is a Latin expression meaning "against all", "against all" or "relative to". It is often used in the legal field to refer to a law or regulation that applies to all...

Definition of Supporting

A supporting role is someone who participates in helping a certain person in his or her role. It also refers to the actor or actress who acts in a secondary role, acting directly or indirectly with the protagonists...

Meaning of Prevaricate

Prevaricar is a verb in Portuguese and is related to the act of disrespecting or not complying with an order and duty in bad faith. The act of prevarication follows the personal interests of the individual who...

Definition of Misconduct

Improperty means dishonesty, bad temper, bad character, lack of probity, that is, lack of honesty, integrity, honesty. It also means meanness, wickedness, atrocity. Impropriety is a...

Definition of Harassment

Harassment is persistent and inconvenient harassment that targets a specific person or group, affecting their peace, dignity and freedom. There are different types of harassment, such as morale,...

Definition of Desire

Dissidence consists of negligent behavior, used to represent the attitude of an employee who performs his duties with negligence, laziness, inattention or ill will. The negligence can lead to...

Definition of Cafuzo

Cafuzo is the name given in Brazil to individuals generated from the miscegenation between Indians and African blacks. Typically, cafuzos are characterized by dark skin pigmentation,...

Definition of Caboclo

Caboclo is the designation given in Brazil to the individual who was generated from the miscegenation of an Indian with a white man. This name is also used to describe the figure of the man from the hinterland...

Signatory meaning

Signatory is the condition of an individual able to sign a document, thus subscribing to the content of its content. A legal entity or a nation can also be signatories. When you say that...

meaning of kindness

Kindness is a characteristic of the good-minded person. It consists of a quality of people who do good deeds. Grammatically, kindness is an abstract noun. From the Latin “beautiful...

Popular Meanings (45)

Definition of ProselytismProselytism is the action or effort to try to convert one or several peo...

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Popular Meanings (48)

Definition of LogicLogic is a feminine noun with origins in the Greek term logiké, related to log...

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Popular Meanings (47)

Hypothesis meaningHypothesis is the assumption of something that may (or may not) be credible, th...

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