Meaning of WC (What it is, Concept and Definition)

WC stands for Water Closet, which means "water cabinet", in the literal translation into Portuguese.

The English usually use the WC to identify the public restrooms, located in department stores, and shopping center, this is because this type of bathroom no shower, only the toilet. Bathrooms that have a shower are called Bathroom, in English.

Bathrooms can be configured in different ways, such as those with only the toilet and the sink, while others may have the toilet, sink and hot tub, for example.

In Brazil, normally, public restrooms, as in shopping malls, for example, are identified with the terms "man" and "woman" or "ladies" and "gentlemen", indicating the location of the respective gender. The term WC is considered pejorative and rude.

Public bathroom

You public restrooms they are normally separated by gender, that is, a bathroom for men and another for women, mainly for hygiene, since men urinate standing up and women sitting.

Currently, there are some establishments that offer a third type of bathroom, for people with mobility difficulties or those with physical disabilities.

Chemical toilet

chemical toilets they are disposable, usually found at festivals, works and other outdoor places.

They are not connected to any sanitary piping system and the waste treatment is carried out by chemical means, just to eliminate the smell and some decomposition.

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