Popular Meanings (298)

meaning of ruffle

Babado is a masculine noun used in slang and it means tititi, gossip, gossip. In the informal context, a frill is a rumor, information that is often not true, but often...

Meaning of Gradient

Gradient corresponds to a gradual variation in color or lighting. The word comes from the French dégradé, and can be translated as that which degrades, which fades away. A gradient of colors is the passage...

Definition of Hurricane

Hurricane is a type of weather phenomenon formed by the displacement of air currents from systems of low pressure that turn into a vortex that rotates in large circles, which can reach a...

Beauty pattern

Beauty standard is an expression used to characterize a model of beauty that is considered "ideal" in a society. The standard of beauty in history Even before it was named, the standards of beauty...

meaning of stanza

Stanza is a structure of literary poetic composition that is formed by a set of verses that have metric and meaning relations to each other. It is the structure that represents a set of...

meaning of the Mayans

The Mayans formed a civilization that inhabited part of Central America during one of the longest periods of the pre-Columbian era: approximately 2,500 years before Christ to the beginning of century...

Meaning of Provisional Measure

The provisional measure is an instrument of the presidency of the republic with the force of law and effective immediately after being published by the president. Known by the acronym MP, it should only be used in character...

meaning of mustache

Mustache is a word that describes the growth of hair on the top of the lip. A person can grow a mustache for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is the aesthetic one. This trend was...

meaning of continuing education

Continuing education is a learning concept that consists of the idea of ​​the constant qualification of the individual, whether in the academic, professional or personal scope. In short, continuing education would be...

Meaning of Salute

A salute is a greeting, a courtesy. When someone asks for "a round of applause" they are asking to applaud, that is, to say hello to something or someone. The word saved is related to the firing of firearms...

Definition of Bolinar

Bolinar means wing with the daggerboard - a cable that holds the sail of a boat to place it in the position necessary to take advantage of the wind and take the boat in the desired direction. Bolina is also the name of a...

Significance of Important

Important is an adjective that is attributed to something or someone who has merit or recognition for some achievement. In general terms, it defines the quality of what is relevant, which is highly valued for its...

Definition of Anvil

Anvil is a massive block of iron, usually with two points, used as a surface for shaping metal objects and tools. The anvil was used to forge metal objects for centuries,...

meaning of surprise

Surprise means what is unexpected, it is the property of what surprises. It can be a feeling, like when you say "I was surprised when you called me." That is, the person did not expect the call...

Meaning of Measure

Meça is one of the conjugations of the verb to measure. In a figurative sense, it is used when you ask another person to act in moderation or be more aware of what you are doing, as in the phrase "measure the...

Latest Meanings (116)

Definition of thermal equilibriumThermal equilibrium occurs when two bodies - initially at differ...

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Popular Meanings (118)

Definition of HabibHabib is an Arabic word meaning "beloved" or "dear", but it is also used as a ...

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Popular Meanings (119)

meaning of urbanUrbano comes from the Latin “urbanus” which means “belonging to the city”. Urban ...

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