Popular Meanings (283)

Meaning of state of exception

State of exception is a temporary measure used in emergency situations by the Government. In these cases, as a rule, some individual rights of citizens can be suppressed, aiming at...

Definition of Burnout Syndrome

Burnout Syndrome is a mental disorder that is characterized by the individual's physical, mental and psychological exhaustion. This disorder develops due to the accumulation of stress at work, by...

Meaning of Running a Baiana

Rotating the Bahian is a Brazilian slang that means making a mess or setting up a scandal in the sense of taking satisfaction with someone, clearing up a situation or “making a shack”. When...

Definition of body dysmorphia

Bodily dysmorphia (or Image Distortion Syndrome) is a psychological disorder that causes the individual to be deeply disturbed by “imaginary or trivial defects” in their body. Too...

Definition of Probity

Probity means acting in accordance with the ethical and moral principles accepted in a society. It means having integrity of character. It is a characteristic of people who usually act with ethics and honor in...

Definition of Downsizing

Downsizing is a concept of administrative restructuring, in order to enhance the activities of a given organization, eliminating bureaucratic and current processes hierarchical...

Definition of Pin-up

Pin-up is a word in the English language that designates a very attractive person portrayed on a poster and also the poster itself. Despite having both meanings, the concept became better known as...

Definition of Bribery

Bribery is an unlawful act that consists in inducing someone to perform a certain act in exchange for money, material goods or other private benefits. Under the law, bribery is...

Definition of Refund

Restitution has the meaning of return. The word is used to refer to the act of returning something that belongs to someone else or recovering what has been lost. Another meaning of the word...

Definition of IUPAC

IUPAC stands for "International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry", which in Portuguese is "International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry". IUPAC is an organization that was created with the aim of...

meaning of fearless

Fearless is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as courageous, fearless, that is, a brave person. When it says that a certain individual is known to be fearless, it means that...

meaning of middle east

Middle East (or Middle East) is a region located on the Asian continent, bordering Europe and Africa. The Middle East is still bounded by the Black, Mediterranean, Red,...

meaning of urban

Urbe is a synonym for city. It is a population agglomeration where a series of social, commercial, cultural, administrative, educational exchanges occur, among others, located in a certain space...

Meaning of Eating with your eyes

Eating with your eyes is a popular expression that means eating more than you need to starve, overeating, overeating. It means that the person is connected to...

Meaning of Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci sequence consists of an infinite succession of numbers that follow a pattern where each subsequent element is the sum of the previous two. So after 0 and 1 come 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,...

Popular Meanings (272)

meaning of bad luckAzar is a word with multiple meanings, being most used to denote bad luck, cha...

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Latest Meanings (270)

Meaning of NegligenceNegligence is a feminine noun that, depending on the context, can have diffe...

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Popular Meanings (270)

Meaning of WelcomeWelcome is an English term meaning “welcome or welcome”. It is usually used to ...

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