Meaning of Hacker (What it is, Concept and Definition)

hacker is an English word within the scope of Computing that indicates a person who have interest and good knowledge in this area, being able to do hack (a modification) in some computer system.

In English, the word hack is a verb that means to cut something irregularly or coarsely. Thus, from the 1950s onwards, the word hack began to be used to designate an intelligent change in some machine. Later, this term came to be used exclusively in the context of computer programming.

Some hackers are hired by large companies to test the security of their computer systems. Thus, the hackers try to break into the system, discovering its weaknesses to improve security and prevent future attacks.

There are several websites with tutorials and programs that can be used for hack (or hacking, in Portuguese) computers, discovering passwords for WiFi, email accounts, etc.

See also the meaning of cyber attack.

Hacker and cracker

Many of the activities of the hackers they are unlawful, and if discovered they are prosecuted and face imprisonment. Despite this, often a person who uses their computer and programming skills to perform illegal acts are known as

crackers and not hackers.

While most hackers use their knowledge to demonstrate the vulnerability of a system, crackers are intended to damage or modify it to obtain some kind of benefit.

often some hackers develop software for other users to protect themselves from any attacks from crackers.

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