Meaning of Sparring (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Sparringis a word derived from the english verb "I'm spar" which means "do boxing", "dispute" or "spar". In this sense, the English expression "verbal sparring" is synonymous with "debate" or "discussion", because it designates a verbal fight.

The term is widely used in martial fights because it designates a common form of training in preparation for official fights.

O sparring it can vary according to each sport modality but, essentially, it is a type of wrestling in which the fighters themselves can agree on the rules of "combat". In these cases, care must always be taken not to injure the opponent.

In boxing, the sparring it also designates the person who helps prepare the fighter, often participating in fights where he pretends to be the opponent. In Brazil, the term is synonymous with the expression "make gloves" or "glove session".

Sparring Bob

One sparring bob it is a punching doll, used by fighters for training when they don't have a partner they can train with. Typically, these dolls have no arms, are made of a soft polyurethane, and are a replica of a human's upper body. the height of the

sparring bob it is adjustable, so the fighter can try out different blows to apply to opponents of different heights.

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