Enigma is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language and means something or something difficult to understand, difficult to define or to know in depth, and which is characterized by being ambiguous or...
Snapshot is an expression in English that means "instant photo" or "instant record" and has several meanings within the contemporary world of computing, such as storage of...
Quinhão is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language and means a part of something that has been shared, divided. Normally, the share is the share or parcel that an individual receives by right when there is...
Philanthropist is a masculine noun and adjective in the Portuguese language that defines a person's characteristic of feeling love for humanity. A guy who practices philanthropy, considered a...
Picturesque is an adjective in the Portuguese language and defines what is eccentric, unusual or interesting. Something that draws attention for its particularity and uniqueness, in addition to having the ability to...
Effusive is an adjective in the Portuguese language used to designate someone or something that has great ease of communication, that expresses itself easily and that has ardor and vehemence in what it says. What if...
Avulso is an adjective from the Portuguese language and means something that is separate from a collection, loose, lonely. The word loose is usually used to connote objects that are alone, far from...
Organic waste is any type of waste produced from plant or animal origin, that is, something that was once part of a living being. All families produce organic waste daily, such as...
Pueril is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language that refers to childhood, to what is childish or to what is endowed with innocence. The word, which derives from the Latin puerile, can also be...
Childcare is the medical specialty, belonging to pediatrics, which deals with the well-being and health of children at birth and in the first days of life. Childcare (from the Latin puer, puerile, whatever...
Draining is a direct transitive verb in Portuguese and defines the process of rinsing a land through the drainage technique. Draining is also related to a surgical technique for the...
Atrium is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language that defines what would be the main room of the first temples of Ancient Rome. Currently, it usually represents a patio at the entrance of a house...
Bienal is considered both an adjective of two genders and a feminine noun in the Portuguese language that refers to a period of time of two years. Defines a social or artistic event...
Oneiric is a masculine adjective in the Portuguese language and is related or refers to dreams, fantasies and what does not belong to the so-called "real world". The word has its etymological origin at...
Occlusion is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means the act or action of closing, preventing a natural flow with a purposeful blocking or closing. In medicine, occlusion would be the...