The idiomatic expression “anteater hug” is used to refer to the hug or greeting of a false person, that is, one who wishes evil for the person who greeted him. This expression came to...
Subjective right refers to the rights that are effectively guaranteed to the individual by law. It is the concrete form of a right that has been determined by law and can be enjoyed by a person. So the...
Poultice is a medicinal paste resulting from a mixture of different ingredients, based on flour, roots and leaves, and which is applied to wounds and bodily inflammation. Usually, the...
Cold cow is a popular expression used when the speaker wants to return to the initial topic of a conversation; a subject that is no longer new, but still needs to be discussed or deepened. THE...
Akemi is a Japanese name that can mean “brightness” or “beauty” in one of the Portuguese language translations. In Japan, Akemi is widely used as a baptismal name, common among the sex...
All people have positive and negative characteristics, which can vary according to their state of mind or situation. There are qualities that, in the eyes of some, can be negative characteristics,...
Taxable income is a way of calculating the tax rate for payment of Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Net Income (CSLL). The profit value...
It is also an adverb in the Portuguese language and can have different meanings, according to the context in which it is inserted. Usually, this adverb is used to express the idea of comparison,...
Aware is an adjective that qualifies someone who has science, knowledge or information about something. A aware individual is one who knows and keeps informed about a certain thing. Be aware of...
Solitude is a state of isolation and seclusion, it is a situation in which a person is not in contact with other individuals. This state is usually a result of personal choice. Different from...
Hydroelectric energy is the way to obtain electrical energy through the force and movement of water (potential energy or hydraulic energy). Considered the second largest source of electrical energy in the...
Prequela is a feminine noun that describes a literary, dramatic or cinematographic work that reports previous events of a given work, often revealing the same characters...
Slanderer is the individual who makes slander, that is, who tells lies with the aim of defaming another person, for example. A slanderer is not to be trusted and, according to the law, can...
Bis in idem is a Latin expression that means "twice the same" or "repeat over the same". The use of this term may indicate the action of repeating a certain activity, methodology or charge...
A comment is a set of observations that a person can make about a certain fact, subject or event. These observations act as an opinion or a more technical analysis or...