Latest Meanings (304)

meaning of torpor

Torpor is a masculine noun from the Latin torpore that represents an altered state of consciousness that can mean numbness, laziness, laziness or indolence. Described as a...

meaning of gossip

Gossip is a feminine noun meaning gossip, gossip. Gossip is the act of discovering information about someone and later telling that information to one or several people. THE...

Definition of Suppression

Suppression is a feminine noun that means the act of suppressing, eliminating, extinguishing. It can also be synonymous with omission, or disappearance. The word suppression comes from the Latin term...

Definition of Joint Venture

Joint venture is an expression of English origin, which means the union of two or more existing companies with the objective of starting or carrying out a common economic activity, for a given...

meaning of flower

Flower is the plant's reproductive organ, it is the part from which the seed or fruit will come out. The flower is a symbol of feminine beauty. Because they wither quickly, they can also symbolize inconstancy and...

Definition of RPG Physiotherapy

RPG Physiotherapy consists of a physiotherapeutic method whose purpose is to correct posture problems through specific stretching techniques of muscle tissue. The acronym RPG means...

Meaning of Watching Ships

Watching ships is a popular expression in the Portuguese language that means being deceived, deceived, seeing your expectations frustrated and being disillusioned. An equivalent expression in English would be...

Definition of outrageous

Outrageous is an adjective that classifies something or someone that insults, insults, affronts or attacks someone's dignity. Outrageous corresponds to the verb outrage and the noun outrage and is synonymous with...

meaning of SME

SME stands for Small and Medium Enterprise. It is an acronym often used to classify the size of a company as a function of the number of workers employed and the annual income earned. This type...

Definition of Rh Factor

Rh factor is an important antigen present in the blood of certain people, whose presence means that the classification will be Rh+. Individuals who do not naturally possess such an antigen receive the...

Definition of Dumping

Dumping is an English word that derives from the term "dump" which, among others, has the meaning of dumping or emptying. The word is used in commercial terms (especially in International Trade),...

meaning of impartial

Impartial is a two-gender adjective that describes a person or entity that is not biased, meaning someone fair, upright, equitable or neutral. Impartiality is an essential requirement in justice. At the...

Definition of Closed Captioning

Closed caption (also known by the acronym CC ) is an expression in English that means closed captioning, a system for transmitting subtitles for movies, television programs or online videos. At...

Definition of Infamous

Famed is used to designate someone famous, a celebrity or a famous person, whether good or bad. Famous is a person who is famous, is well known, can be both a celebrity of...

Meaning of Speak Through Your Elbows

Talking through your elbows is a popular expression in the Portuguese language and means talking too much, chattering. The equivalent of the expression "to speak for the cotevelos" in English would be "talk nineteen to the dozen"...

Popular Meanings (183)

Origin meaningOrigin is the starting point, the beginning of any event that has occurred. Everyth...

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Popular Meanings (182)

meaning of profitProfit is what is earned from something or someone; the yield; a privilege or ad...

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Latest Meanings (180)

meaning of rapportRapport is a concept in the field of psychology which means a technique used to...

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