Latest Meanings (305)

Definition of Factoring

Factoring means mercantile or commercial development in Portuguese. Factoring is a word known worldwide since the 17th century, but it doesn't have a clearer and more precise translation in Portuguese...

meaning of story

Estória is a word classified as Brazilianism, which means a narrative genre of fiction, where the action is not based on true facts. It is often used as a synonym for history...

meaning of ostentation

Ostentation is the act or effect of flaunting, that is, “presenting” or “showing” in an exhibitionist sense, being linked to pride, presumption or simply vanity. It's someone's act...

Meaning of Evaluation

Evaluation is the feminine noun that means the act of evaluating, or refers to the effect of that evaluation. It can be synonymous with estimation or appreciation. An appraisal can be the estimate of the value of...

Definition of VGA

VGA is a video standard created for computer graphics. This standard allows images to be transmitted in real time from a computer to a monitor that has this output. VGA is the...

Definition of hatch

To hatch is an intransitive verb, which characterizes something that arises and is instantly visible, that develops, appears or rises. It is a word used to express a culmination in the sense of something that...

meaning of humiliation

Humiliation is a feminine noun meaning the act or effect of humiliating. It is synonymous with submission, demotion, vexation, affront and shame. Humiliation arises from a human being's desire to be...

Definition of Padawan

Padawan means apprentice, beginner, and is a term used in the Star Wars movies. Padawan are kids who went through training to become a Jedi Knight, the knights on the good side of the force. To...

Definition of Chronic Disease

Chronic disease is a disease that persists for periods longer than six months and does not resolve in a short period of time. Examples of chronic diseases are: diabetes, Alzheimer's disease,...

Definition of Facade

Facade is a term related to architecture, and it means each of the exterior faces of a building. Furthermore, facade can also be synonymous with exterior appearance, front or frontispiece. One...

meaning of making of

Making of is an English expression whose translation is "doing of" or "doing of" and consists of a video that reveals what happens behind the scenes while recording audiovisual content...

meaning of sad

Sad is an adjective in English which in Portuguese means sad. It can also be an acronym meaning Secretary of State for Administration. The word sad is meant to describe a feeling of sadness and...

Definition of FDA

FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration, which means Food and Drug Administration (in Portuguese). FDA is an agency of the United States government, created in 1862, with the function of controlling...

Definition of FB

FB is an acronym, short for facebook, the social network created by Mark Zuckerberg. The term FB is usually accompanied by the # symbol, also known as a hashtag, and always appears on Twitter, another...

meaning of aloha

Aloha is a Hawaiian word used as a greeting or farewell, meaning "hello" or "bye". Originally the word was used exclusively as a demonstration of affection, peace,...

Popular Meanings (303)

Types of cultureCulture is a set of particularities that characterize a group of people, a family...

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Latest Meanings (303)

Definition of IntrinsicIntrinsic is a masculine adjective that means intimate, internal, inherent...

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Latest Meanings (301)

Meaning of ExplainTo explain means to detail, to make it clear, to explain with development, in d...

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