Synonym is a masculine adjective that classifies a word that, despite being different, has the same meaning (or very similar) to another. This word comes from the Greek synonymós, and according to...
Hegemony means the preponderance of one thing over another. It is the supremacy of a people over other peoples, that is, the superiority that a country has over others, thus becoming a sovereign State. O...
Personality is the set of outstanding characteristics of a person, it is the active force that helps to determine a person's relationship based on their pattern of personal and social individuality,...
ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization, or International Organization for Standardization, in Portuguese. ISO is a standardization and standardization entity, and was created in...
Autonomy is a term of Greek origin whose meaning is related to independence, freedom or self-sufficiency. The antonym of autonomy is heteronomy, a word that indicates dependence, submission...
Iemanjá is a female orixá (African deity) of the Candomblé and Umbanda religions. Its name comes from the terms of the Yoruba language (Nigero-Congo language) “Yèyé omo ejá”, which means...
Hedonism is a moral doctrine in which the pursuit of pleasure is the sole purpose of life. The word hedonism comes from the Greek hedonikos, which means "pleasant", since hedon means pleasure. Like...
The yellow color means light, warmth, relaxation, optimism and joy. Yellow symbolizes sun, summer, prosperity and happiness. It is an inspiring color that awakens creativity. Stimulates...
Happiness is the state of being happy, a feeling of well-being and contentment, which can occur for several reasons. Happiness is a lasting moment of satisfaction, where the individual feels...
Onomatopeia is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, belonging to the group of "word figures" and which indicates the reproduction of natural sounds or noises. Onomatopoeia is the process of formation of...
Fetish is a masculine noun from the French term fetish and can mean a bewitched object or a behavior, body part or object that arouses sexual excitement...
Assertiveness is a feminine noun that expresses the quality of what is assertive, affirmative, or positive. The word assertiveness derives from "assertion", which means a decisive proposition. A person...
Ratimbum or Rá-Tim-Bum was a highly successful children's program, produced by TV Cultura between 1989 and 1992. When someone is on their birthday, after the famous "Happy Birthday"...
Teamwork is when a group or society decides to create a collective effort to solve a problem. Teamwork can be described as a group or group of people who are dedicated to...
The Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) is the labor law of Brazil. It includes the rules that regulate labor relations between the employer and employees. In CLT the...