Latest Meanings (294)

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Definition of Trustee

Trustee is a legal term used to designate an individual to whom the court trusts an asset during a proceeding. It is the responsibility of the trustee to ensure the conservation of the property, under penalty...

Definition of Bazinga

Bazinga is an expression popularized by Sheldon Cooper and usually used at the end of a joke or joke, and it means "I caught you" or "I deceived you". It can also be used after verbally attacking...

Meaning of Acquisition

Acquisition is the act of taking possession of something, be it goods, product, service or knowledge. The acquisition is what was acquired, and this acquisition may have been made in different ways, by...

meaning of hearing

Oitiva is a feminine noun meaning ear, hearing. The adverbial locution “by ear”, means “by heart”, “to hear said”, without verifying anything. The hearing is what was heard,...

Definition of Call center

Call center is a service center that aims to interface between the customer and the company. It is an expression of the English call (call) center or center (central). Call center service...

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Meaning of Mailing

Mailing is a word in the English vocabulary that means the action of sending a correspondence through the post. From mail meaning mail, correspondence. Mailing is the abbreviation of the expression “...

Meaning of Couple 20

Casal 20 is an expression that became popular after the American series, Hart to Hart, which here in Brazil became known as “Casal 20”, and was a great success in the 80's. The series tells the story...

meaning of blessed

Blessed is an adjective that means very happy. It is also a masculine noun, which names one who has the glory of heaven. The expression blessed (happy) is mentioned several times in...

meaning of verbose

Wordy is an adjective that means too long, long, or long. It is used when someone speaks or writes at length, with excessive use of words. The antonym of verbose is concise or laconic,...

Definition of Diagnosis

Diagnosis is a medical word that means the qualification of a doctor in relation to a disease or physical or mental condition based on the observed symptoms. The diagnosis must have...

Parameter meaning

Parameter is a masculine noun widely used in mathematics that consists of a constant and invariant line, which belongs to an equation or is part of the construction of a straight line. In some cases...

Meaning of Enjoying

Enjoying means enjoying something, reaping the rewards, enjoying a material or moral benefit. For example: enjoy the trip, or enjoy the popularity. It's a Latin word "use fruere", which...

Definition of SESMT

SESMT is the acronym for Specialized Service in Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine and is a team of health professionals, who stay within the companies to protect the integrity physics...

Definition of Ad hoc

Ad hoc means "for this purpose", "for this" or "for this purpose". It is a Latin expression, generally used to inform that a certain event has a temporary character and that if...

Definition of Disorder

Disorder is a masculine noun that means the act or effect of disturbing and is also synonymous with alteration, setback, annoyance and prejudice. In a figurative sense, a disorder is a...

Popular Meanings (209)

Definition of Maltese CrossThe Maltese Cross is the symbol of the Order of Malta, an organization...

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Latest Meanings (204)

meaning of reverenceReverence is the act of showing respect and humility towards something or som...

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Popular Meanings (208)

Definition of DiligentDiligent is an adjective attributed to anyone who performs a certain activi...

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