Latest Meanings (317)

Definition of CNPQ

CNPQ stands for the National Research Council, which is currently called the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. It is a public agency that aims to encourage research...

Definition of CNH

CNH is the acronym for the National Driver's License, also known as a driver's license. It is a mandatory document for any citizen who intends to drive a motor vehicle. THE...

meaning of clans

Clans are a group of people united by a certain degree of kinship and lineage, defined by descent from a common ancestor. Tie-based kinship may be of a merely...

Definition of Cyanosis

Cyanosis is a sign or symptom that can be noticed by the purplish-blue coloration of the skin, under the nails or in the mucous membranes. Cyanosis occurs due to poor oxygenation of arterial blood. The cyanosis...

Definition of Axial

Axial is an adjective of two genders that qualifies something related to the axis or that has the shape of an axis. The expression axial skeleton is used to describe the 80 bones that make up the head and trunk of the body...

Definition of Chinoca

Chinoca is the diminutive of china, which is the name given to cabocla women, brunettes, generally descendants of Indians. Chinoca is a term widely used in Rio Grande do Sul, especially by the gauchos who...

Definition of Chapada

Chapada are terrains with extensive flat surfaces in mountain regions with altitudes generally above 600 meters. It is a vast plain with undergrowth. In Brazil, the plateaus are...

meaning of chancel

Chancela is a seal, stamp or stamp, with the purpose of validating a document containing important information. The seal may reproduce the signature of an authority to prove the veracity of the...

Definition of Chamego

Chamego means dating, sexual attraction or attachment to something. The origin of the term is controversial, but there is reference in the etymological research of Antônio Geraldo da Cunha, from which it is derived...

Definition of Chair Tea

High chair tea is a popular expression meaning an extended wait. Ex: The patient had a chair tea in the doctor's office. Chair tea is an expression that can be used all...

Definition of CGC

CGC stands for General Taxpayer Registration. The CGC was a mandatory registry created by the Ministry of Finance (CGC/MF) in 1964 to identify all legal entities governed by private law...

Definition of CFOP

CFOP is the acronym for the Tax Code for Operations and Provisions, for entry and exit of goods, intercity and interstate. It is a numerical code that identifies the nature of circulation...

Definition of Census

Census is the set of statistical data that informs different characteristics of the inhabitants of a city, a state or a nation. The word comes from the Latin “census” which means...

Definition of CDF

CDF is an acronym used to call the individual who is very intelligent, who is very dedicated to studies and that is why he is always oblivious and does not participate much in the social life of young people his age, a turn...

Definition of CCTV

CCTV stands for “China Central Television” which means China Central Television, a public television station owned by the Chinese government. CCTV was founded on September 2, 1958 and...

Latest Meanings (86)

Meaning of ArrogantArrogant is an adjective of two genders that expresses a negative characterist...

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Latest Meanings (87)

Definition of Judiciary PowerThe Judiciary Power is one of the three powers of the State to which...

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Popular Meanings (87)

Definition of BypassBypass is an English term that means to bypass, bypass, bypass or go around. ...

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