Popular Meanings (281)

meaning of rascal

Rascal is a term used to characterize the individual known to act maliciously, shamelessly, without character, deceitful and with bad intentions. When it is said that a certain person is a rogue,...

Definition of Galalau

Galalau means a very tall man, and is an expression from the Northeast of Brazil. Generally, for a man to be considered a galalau, he is above 1.80m or 1.85m. There is also another sense for...

Definition of Counseling

Counseling is a word of English origin, meaning "counseling". It is an interaction process between two people (a specialized professional and the client), which aims to help the person...

meaning of next

Next is an adjective in the Portuguese language that characterizes something or someone who is close to something. Example: “He lives in an apartment near here”. The word next can also refer...

meaning of UEFA

UEFA is the governing body of European football. UEFA is the English acronym for Union of European Football Associations which in Portuguese means Union of European Football Federations. UEFA manages three...

Meaning of Paying the Duck

Paying the duck is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, used in the sense of "taking the blame for something" or bearing the consequences of a certain situation caused by someone else. The phrase...

Definition of Patavinas

Patavinas is a word in the Portuguese language, normally used in the expression "I don't understand patavinas" and means "nothing" or "nothing". The word "patavinas" is used to describe someone who has...

meaning of perigee

Perigee is the name given to the closest point the Moon reaches to planet Earth. The perigee can be applied to any celestial star, indicating that it is at the closest point to...

Definition of Dialectical Materialism

Dialectical materialism is a philosophy that originated in Europe based on the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is a philosophical theory whose concept defends that the reality of society is...

Definition of Continuum

Continuum represents a series of sequential and uninterrupted events, causing a continuity between the beginning and the end. This word is directly derived from the Latin continuum, which...

meaning of social service

Social work is a profession of interventional character, which is based on instruments and methods. multidisciplinary social sciences to analyze and propose adjustments to the various issues social...

meaning of ayumi

Ayumi is a name of Japanese origin that can have several meanings, including "walking beauty". Ayumi is also the first name of Japanese singer and actress Ayumi Hamasaki. She is one of the singers...

Definition of FTW

FTW is the acronym of the expression in English “For The Win”, which means “for the victory”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. The use of this acronym is very common in the online universe,...

Key meaning

A key is a metal instrument used to open and close the latch of a lock. Key is the name of a variety of objects designed to turn on and off, tighten and loosen, assemble and disassemble the most...

Definition of Buzz

Buzz means buzz, buzz, buzz. It's a word in the English language. It also means a murmur, a whisper. Buzz is usually lively conversation, or background noise. The term is very...

Latest Meanings (257)

Definition of floodplainVárzea is a feminine noun used to describe a plain or flat land, in an ex...

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Latest Meanings (255)

Definition of jet lagJet lag is an expression in English that does not have a defined translation...

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Popular Meanings (259)

Tectonic platesPlate tectonics are rock formations that cover the surface of planet Earth. The ea...

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