Popular Meanings (280)

meaning of jedi

Jedi, pronounced jedai, are guardians of the good side of the force, and are fictional characters from the Star Wars series and movie. Jedi are knights with special powers, who could touch with strength and drive away...

Definition of Snapshot

Snapshot is an expression in English that means "instant photo" or "instant record" and has several meanings within the contemporary world of computing, such as storage of...

Definition of Gummy bear

Gummy bear is an English expression whose literal translation is "gummy bear" and is a jelly-based gummy candy in the shape of a bear, which comes in many different colors and flavors. The gummy...

meaning of company

A company is an organization that carries out economic activities for commercial purposes, through the production and sale of goods or services. Also known as business activity, a company operates in...

meaning of thickness

Thickness is the same as thickness, that is, the condition of something that is thick, that has a consistent and high density. When it is said that something is thick, it means that it is full-bodied, with an agglomeration...

Meaning of Middle Term

Midway is what is halfway, represents a moderate attitude and balance between two parts. The two words form a compound noun, and this kind of semantic unit must be...

Definition of Disruption

Disruption is a break or discontinuation of an already established process. Something is said to be disruptive when it interrupts, suspends, or deviates from normal operation. So, the adjective can be...

Definition of Federalism

Federalism is a form of State organization in which there is a government that exercises the functions of a centralizing State. But, while there is a central power, there is a division of power between the...

Meaning of Types of Charts and Their Functions

Graphs are visual representations of data and numerical information that serve to facilitate their interpretation. The information present in the graphics refers to everything that can...

Definition of Manger

Manger is the name given to the place where animals usually (cows, oxen and horses, for example) eat in the stables, consisting of a kind of rectangular shape made of wood. However, the...

meaning of rancid

Ranço is a masculine noun originally used to characterize foods with a bitter taste and/or the stench of rotten fatty foods. As the language is alive, over time...

Definition of Plant

Usina is a large industrial establishment equipped with machines, where raw or semi-finished materials are transformed into final products such as ethanol, alcohol, sugar, steel, etc. The generating plant...

meaning of mock

Mocking means making fun, that is, making an intentional statement with malevolent attitudes, ironic or malicious, in order to make fun of, to make fun of, to ridicule, to laugh at somebody...

Definition of Aloprate

Aloprado is an adjective used mainly in the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil, which characterizes the behavior of an unwise, crazy and very restless individual. The word crazy is...

Types of triangles

Triangles are polygons formed by three sides and three angles. In geometric terms, triangles are the result of joining three non-collinear points (A, B and C). The types of triangles...

Popular Meanings (180)

Definition of PerjuryPerjury is a false oath or violation of an oath taken. It is related to the ...

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Latest Meanings (179)

meaning of betrayalBetrayal is a feminine noun that refers to the act of betraying and means a la...

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Popular Meanings (183)

Origin meaningOrigin is the starting point, the beginning of any event that has occurred. Everyth...

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