Popular Meanings (282)

Definition of city of birth

City of birth is the indication of the name of the city where a person was born. This is information that is present in several Brazilian and other country identification documents. O...

Definition of Quiet

Sossego is a masculine noun that refers to the action of calming down and means calm, rest, peace, quiet, tranquility. The word quiet is related to the verb to settle, which implies giving...

Definition of SWAT

SWAT stands for Special Weapons And Tactics. Portuguese), a US police group that is highly specialized and trained to act in...

meaning of good

Good is an English word and means “good” in Portuguese. This term has different meanings depending on the way it is used. Good can be the distinction between "good" and...

Meaning of Seal

Lacrar is a verb that refers to the act of closing or isolating something, but in Brazil it is popularly used as a slang, which serves as a synonym for “destroy”, “send well” or “have success”. Like...

Definition of Chair Tea

High chair tea is a popular expression meaning an extended wait. Ex: The patient had a chair tea in the doctor's office. Chair tea is an expression that can be used all...

Meaning of For English see

The expression “para Inglês ver” is commonly used in Portuguese in the sense of something that is apparent, but not valid or real. There are some theories about the emergence of this saying, in the...

Definition of Feedback

A template is the model of correct answers related to the questions of a given test, usually in the multiple choice style. The feedback of a test consists of the result of the correct answers...

meaning of opportunity

Opportunity represents the same as opportunity, an occasion that is considered favorable, appropriate, or assertive to accomplish something. An opportunity can also mean the act of waiting for the moment...

Meaning of Kitty

Making a kitty is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language (from Brazil) and means "to join money with the help of several people with the intention of achieving a certain goal or purchase...

Meaning of Gold Number

Golden number is an irrational, constant and real number that mathematically represents perfection in nature. It is represented by the Greek letter phi, initial of Phidias, sculptor and architect...

Definition of Xonado

Xonado is a word popularly used as an abbreviation for “in love”. The term does not exist in dictionaries. It's a word used informally to refer to the burning passion felt between...

meaning of ancient greece

It is the period of the history of Greece that extends from century XX a. Ç. until century II a. a., when the region of Ancient Greece was conquered by Rome. The location of Ancient Greece Situated in the south of...

Meaning of Backward

Retroceder is a verb in Portuguese, referring to what goes back, retreats or has an involutive movement. From its figurative sense, the verb to go back can also mean...

Definition of Heating

Heating is a heating system used primarily in homes and other indoor environments. This method is common in regions where there is a predominance of temperate climates, especially...

Popular Meanings (314)

Definition of DisambiguationDisambiguation is the act of separating the different types of meanin...

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Latest Meanings (310)

meaning of chicChique is an adjective of two genders originating from the French term chic, which...

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Latest Meanings (311)

Definition of YoungestYoungest is a word originating from the Kimbundu term kasule, which means “...

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