Globalization has far-reaching effects on our lifestyles. This drives us to faster access to technology, better communication and innovation. Also, it plays a role...
Globalization is a process in which different nations around the world are brought together. This approach may be related to a cultural, economic, political and/or social context. One...
Cisgender (or simply cis) is the term used to designate individuals who identify with the gender (male or female) assigned to them at birth. Already transgender (or simply...
Transgender (trans) is the individual who does not identify with the gender assigned to him/her at birth. A transgender person is one who doubts the gender (male or female) that was given to him...
Cisgender (Cis) is the term used to refer to the individual who identifies himself, in all respects, with his "born gender". In other words: in the cisgender person there is agreement between...
Transsexual is a person who does not identify with the biological sex they were born with, that is, someone who does not feel appropriate to their birth gender. So, we can say that a person is...
Cyberbullying is violence against someone on the internet, social networks or other digital media. It is also called cyber bullying. Practicing cyberbullying means using virtual space...
Confidence is a personality trait and can be understood as believing, being secure or being sure about something or someone. Trust, then, would be the hypothesis we formulate about the...
Faith is a word that means "trust", "belief", "credibility". Faith is a feeling of total belief in something or someone, even though there is no evidence to prove its veracity...
Qualities are the good aspects that a person has in their personality and attitudes. As opposed to faults, people's qualities are the points of their personality that are appreciated, for following...
Creativity is a feminine noun that comes from the Latin creare, which indicates the ability to create, produce or invent new things. Being creative is think outside the box.
Innovation is the action or act of innovating, that is, modifying old customs, manias, laws, processes, etc.; effect of renewal or creation of a novelty. The concept of innovation is quite...
Intelligence is a set that forms all the intellectual characteristics of an individual, that is, the faculty of knowing, understanding, reasoning, thinking and interpreting. Intelligence is one of...
Competitive games are about having a winner or a winning team. They are characterized by having opponents and rules to be followed, so that at the end of the game, a winner is elected. 1 -...
Sport is any competitive physical activity with well-defined rules and goals. Sports can be practiced individually or collectively, professionally, recreationally or for improvement...