Meaning of Staff (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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staff is an English term meaning "staff" in the sense of staff or employees. The term is used to designate people who belong to the workgroup of a particular organization.

It also refers to a company's staff, human resources or agency. staff.

staff it is the group of people who are part of a certain work group or who work together. For example, staff doctor.

When organizing an event, such as a musical show for example, the artist has a team to support every moment of the event. O staff it is the entire team that will give all the support to the artist and the realization of the show. Who is part of the staff has a specific role to play before, during and after the show.

On an official tour of the government authorities of a country, the members of the staff coordinate all travel procedures and authorities' participation in official events during the visit, including security. O staff it is the entourage made up of members who provide all the necessary support.

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