Meaning of Okidoki (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Okidoki is english expression used for express approval or agreement, equivalent to the Portuguese expression "It's ok" or similar. It can also be used as a variation of OK (Okay).

Okidoki is an expression commonly used in response to the status or quality of a work, indicating that it has been certified and that everything is in compliance.

such as OK, okidoki is a colloquial term used in informal ways to give affirmative answers such as “right”, “no problem”, “okay”, among others.

The expression OK would have supposedly emerged in the United States, as a communication language between soldiers in times of war.

This term was used by the military to designate the success of an operation when no soldier had been killed in combat. The meaning of OK would be 0 Killed (“zero killed”, or “no dead”, in Portuguese).

Another variation of this expression, widely used mainly as slang among English speakers, is the okie dokie or ok dokey, which means something like “thanks” or “said”.

Learn more about the meaning of OK and Okie Dokie.

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