skills means skills or abilities. It is an English term used to designate the ability to quickly and efficiently achieve a given goal. It can be said that they are the aptitudes, flair and dexterity applied by each person in a given task.
In the professional environment, there is more and more talk about soft skills which are some innate or perfected behavioral attitudes for each person. By contrast, the hard skills are the technical skills taught in school.
At soft skills they serve to measure the worker's level of specialization, that is, the way he performs the tasks he intends to perform, his preparation and competence for an efficient performance.
They are related to emotional intelligence, to each person's mental abilities. At soft skills they determine the ability of management and interpersonal relationships, positively differentiating a worker from his colleagues in the labor market.
They are usually associated with a positive attitude, self-confidence, ability to work in a team, time management and the ability to act in pressure situations.
The set of skills acquired by an individual constitutes their “expertise” (experience, specialty, competence) in a certain area.