Meaning of Antecedents (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Advance is the act of antecedent, i.e, what happens before and precedes a certain situation or occasion, for example.

It consists of any condition prior to a current fact or situation, and it can take on both an explanatory and a justifying character.

Example:"Without knowing the boy's advance notice, the manager did not want to hire him".

In English, the word advance can be literally translated to antecedence, or even precedence, precedency and in advance (“in advance”).

Among the main synonyms in advance, stand out: precedence, precedence, prologue and priority.

Learn more about the meaning of prologue.

criminal record

You criminal record (or criminal) are records that keep all the possible passages or accusations that an individual may have with the law enforcement and legal spheres.

All persons who are accused or have committed any crime provided for in the penal code, even after the resolution and conviction of the defendant, remain with a criminal record in the police database federal.

That is, all information relevant to civil justice is recorded, such as convictions criminal cases, acquittals, filed inquiries, criminal actions locked and in progress, among others.

It is common to request statements attesting to the absence of a criminal record for certain types of activities, such as issuing residence permits abroad, participation in some types of public tenders or being able to close an employment contract, by example.

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