Meaning of Rose (What it is, Concept and Definition)

pinkRose is the flower that sprouts from the rosebush, a shrub of the “Rosaceae” family, one of the largest families of herbaceous or woody species, with more than 3,370 species distributed throughout the world. Its petals are widely used in the manufacture of perfumes, notably for their essence.

Roses are divided into three main groups: individual rose that has a flower on each stem, the rose in bunches, also called always flowered and the climbing rose, used in pergolas and hedgerows. Each group has a wide variety of colors and names, baptized by its creators. Most have stalks with sharp spines.

rose story

Fossils of roses dating from the Miocene have already been found – a geological layer that was on the surface of the planet 20 million years ago. In a fresco by Minos, a work of art that must have been made from 3,000 to 2,000 BC, archaeologists have discovered rose designs. Ecclesiastical (chapter XXIV, verse 14) reads: "I grew up like the palm of Engadi and the rose plantations of Jericho."

In China, for centuries, roses have been cultivated. From there arrived in Europe, in the beginning of the 19th century, several species, among them the most appreciated tea rose.

Throughout this history, the rose was subjected to successive crossings and selections, so that currently little remains in cultivated species of the primitive characters of wild species from where they come from.

Wind rose

Compass rose is a dial that brings together the orientation points (cardinal, collateral and subcollateral) that correspond to the complete circle of the horizon. The compass rose represents the directions that the different winds blow.

The compass dial has a magnetized needle that indicates magnetic north, which is superimposed on the compass rose, and the direction given by the needle must coincide with the north cardinal point. Once this is fixed, all the other directions are immediately and automatically. By placing the compass rose on a geographic map, it is possible to determine the position of one place in relation to another.

Find out more about the meaning of the wind rose.

See also

  • Rose of Sharon
  • Desert Rose
  • Pink
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