Advertising is a set of specific and systematic actions carried out to give knowledge to something or someone.
The term derives from the Latin propagate, which means “to reproduce by diving”.
It is one of the means of announcing a certain subject, with the objective of convincing or influencing the opinion of its receiver, although it can also be linked to the gathering of people in favor of a cause or campaign.
Advertising uses a set of actions and strategies combined with ideological, political, emotional and instinctual purposes to influence its recipient.
The means where this set can be used are commercials, magazines, newspapers, posters, among others.
There is also a type of advertising in which the advertiser can offer a partially or totally wrong idea about the reality of the product or service. This is a false advertising, as it conveys the illusory idea of the characteristics of what is being advertised, only for the purpose of selling it.
Advertising and Advertising
Although they are always mentioned together and with similar functions, in theory, the words advertising and publicity have different meanings.
While advertising, due to its etymology, means giving knowledge to something through a set of actions, the word advertising derives from the Latin publicus and it means the act of making public a fact, an idea.
In practice, both advertising and advertising acquire the same meaning. According to the Executive Council for Standard Norms (CENP, one of Organs regulatory bodies of communication), both words are synonymous and have the same understanding.
The impersonal communication of a message aimed at the product's target audience pays for an identified sponsor, conveyed in media of mass communication or directed ones, such as television and the internet, which aim to create an image and stimulate the acquisition of the product.
Definition available in the book “Marketing Management”, prepared by professors of the Marketing Department at FGV-EAESP da Editora Saraiva.
Types of Advertising
The various forms of modern advertising are present daily in people's daily lives. In this way, it has a list of classifications that vary with the context of the life sectors.
Ideological advertising
It is a persuasion technique performed in order to convince or form the ideas and convictions of individuals. It is developed more broadly than other types of advertising.
Political advertising
It is the type of propaganda aimed at disseminating political ideologies, party programs and philosophies, and government actions. It has a permanent character and is considered an important instrument in the propagation of political systems.
Electoral Advertising
It has a sporadic use in order to win votes for determining candidate for an elected office. Its main instruments for the electoral campaign are stickers, banners, t-shirts, caps, in addition to an ostensible electoral program to circulate in different media.
government advertising
Government advertising is that carried out with the purpose of creating, reinforcing or modifying the image of a government, at its federal, state and municipal levels, within and outside its geographic boundaries. It currently represents the largest number of advertisements in Brazil.
institutional advertising
Also called public relations propaganda by some American authors (Public Relations Advertising), is the type of advertising where public relations and advertising activities interact to fulfill the company's legitimate information disclosure needs.
social advertising
It's the kind of advertising dedicated to social causes. This is where the action turns to bringing people together in support of an objective or a cause, such as campaigns to collect clothes, food and other items for certain institutions.
Product advertising
The purpose of this advertisement is to promote a product and influence the consumer to buy it. It is where the entire set of ideological and instinctive actions is used to influence the consumer's purchasing power. The most common type of this advertisement are those for food and beverages.
Advertising of services
This type of advertising is dedicated to influencing the consumer's power for a particular service. Its identification is somewhat similar to institutional advertising, but its function is just to publicize the service.
Comparative Advertising
This type of advertising is done based on comparing products that are competitors. The advertiser compares his own offer to the competition's offer.